Dawn phenomenon

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have a question. I have my pump settings working well for my usual time if getting up in the morning. But this weekend need to get up at 1.30am to get an early flight. This is our first early flight since getting my pump.

Should I adjust the settings to take into account the dawn thingy happening much earlier or just set temporary basal rates as required?:confused:
I would just use a temp basal as it's only a one-off. Then when you go back to your normal routine your basal will be already set correctly.

Are you going on holiday? The Combo allows up to 5 basal patterns to be set permanently, and it's very easy to switch between them. If you wanted to you could set up a second permanent basal for your holiday, then you can mess about with it as much as you need to to get it right and your normal pattern will be undisturbed and ready to go again when you come home.

Hope that helps 🙂
As dawn P might not visit, I'd be inclined to leave settings the same and adjust with temp basal or bolus if needed. It would be better to be a bit higher than normal rather than ending up low.
Thank you both, I'll use the TBR as necessary. And I will try and set up another regime as you suggest Sally. 🙂
I would test & go with the flow ! I am normally quite active & sitting down on an Airplane for x hours sends me high. Test lots & have a nice time 😎
I don't think you'll be getting the dawn phenomenon in the usual way because your body clock is working on the assumption that you'll be getting a normal night's sleep. I'd just keep things as they are, and test and correct - going with the flow. Hope you have a nice holiday 🙂
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