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Dawn Phenomenon


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi Asking about Dawn Phenomenon, Type 3C diabetes after necrotic pancreatitis from a gall stone.
Hubby's alarm has been going off around 4.00am due to high glucose, goes over 16, asked hospital and they just said to take an extra unit of Abasaglar so he now has 6 units at 21.00 each night. It does go down to between 9 and 11 by 7.00am
Just wondered if anyone else has this and do we turn the alarm off or need further investigation, it does rather interrupt sleep.
Hi Cosmic,Hope you are both well and the rise to 16 does seem high and of course occurring at 4am makes it difficult to correct other than medication.
A couple of suggestions to try and see what may happen and sure others will make relevant suggestions.
Like your hubby I use 6u of my basal which is Lantus but always give it just before bed so is normally 1030-11am.In fairness I don’t normally have any problems with DP that take me into double figures but I can get rises but not as early as 4am.
So my suggestion would be to get your hubby to have the Abasaglar 2 hours later if that works as it will mean the DP will rise 2 hours later and it is much easier to deal with at 6am than 4 am and probably help your sleep.
The alternative would be be to take a correction dose of your bolus in my case Novorapid ( start of 1u or 2u depending on going to be BG levels and increase very gently and see if that makes a difference.
Others will have more direct experience of your situation and of Abasaglar and of course your hubbys body will respond individually and he may not be confident doing correction doses.
So I would start by giving the basal later and delays everything by a couple of hours plus gives a greater opportunity for the evening meal to have worked its way through.
Best wishes and good luck
Thanks Wendal, we OK apart from this High Glucose, he does have a nasty cold at the moment so not sure if that is affecting anything. We went to see son in Australia, got back December, and had no problems with travelling, (well apart from LEAVING Australia, arriving no problem, the security wanted him to remove his Libra so they could swab it even though we had letter saying medical device not to be removed, he rather lost his temper with them but eventually they let us through!) will try your suggestions, he has increased the Novorapid with evening meal, hospital don't seem that worried but sending us a ketone testing kit to be on safe side thanks
Thanks Wendal, we OK apart from this High Glucose, he does have a nasty cold at the moment so not sure if that is affecting anything.

A nasty cold could certainly raise his BG levels, so that may not be helping :(

Sorry to hear about the grief you had at airport security - glad you managed to persuade them to let you through in the end.

What do his levels do overnight? Does he see a drop before the rise?

I am wondering whether it might be more targeted to add a small correction of rapidacting insulin at bedtime as it would only be active for 4-5 hours - but that would completely depend on what his levels are doing overnight and when the rise starts to kick-in