Dawn phenomenon, liver dump?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I really should know this by now. I have recently (for no particular reason ) tested when I wake up. The results are in usually around the 5 5 mark. This is almost identical to when I test 2 hours after first bite. Is the wake up test the liver dump that is often mentioned? I found it interesting that the result is pretty similar to the test after I have eaten. No end to learning
5.5 is normal.
5.5 two hours after eating is normal.
No sign of liver dump there.
Thank you. I think I will leave the testing for a while and concentrated on my liver and the great Statin adventure it was taken on ...
I get liver dump. 7.2 going to bed, 14.9 upon awakening!!!!! Nightmare
I used to get a rise of about 6mmols in the first hour after getting up, ie Foot on the Floor, but thankfully it rarely starts until I get out of bed which means that I can inject insulin as soon as I wake up to deal with it and hence I no longer get a rise of 6mmols or any rise at all, because my injected insulin does what my own home produced insulin used to do.
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