Davos 2013: Obesity not a problem for the rich

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
At first sight, a photo of emaciated children in developing countries alongside obese people in the West might seem like an apt way to illustrate the massive gap between the rich and the poor.

But it is not, according to experts at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

A truer picture of wealth can be seen during lunch as the WEF is hosting some 2,500 political and business leaders, including many billionaires.

As these inappropriately dubbed "fat cats" tuck into modest portions of healthy food, sipping water or smoothies, it becomes clear that their wealth has not inspired excess - or at least not excessive eating.

Very few of them appear to have any serious weight problems. And given the number of business leaders dressed in ski wear over the weekend, it seems many of them live active lifestyles too.

Davos Man and Woman are not only wealthy but healthy too, which is clearly much better than being sick and poor.

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