David Cameron exchanges verbal blows with Ed Miliband over A&E cuts

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
David Cameron was given the Andrew Mitchell treatment on Wednesday: stitched up and misquoted in his own PMQs. How cheeky is that? And who would dare do it to him? Not vengeful coppers on this occasion, but Ed Miliband. That's who.

It happened as the two party leaders exchanged verbal blows safe inside their parallel universes. The Labour leader was cross about the grim prospects for A&E units this winter thanks to the coalition's callous sacking of NHS nurses and six-figure payoffs to sacked managers, 2,000 of whom have since been rehired.

The Tory leader kept insisting that the NHS is doing better than ever (except in Labour Wales) and that patients can barely move for the extra docs (5,000), midwives (1,000) and health visitors (ditto) piled high in every ward. Except in Wales of course, where Labour has cut health spending by 8.5% and old people are being herded into rural extermination centres to balance the budget (I made that last bit up).


There may well be more doctors, but the point surely is, are there enough to meet demand? If not, then the service is suffering. :(
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