Dating scan

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had my dating scan yesterday it was amazing! 🙂 The baby was in exactly the right position to see him/her clearly and I've got a brilliant picture of it with it's thumb in it's mouth (bless). They found no problems so that's put my mind at rest.

I can't wait until the 20 week scan mainly because I won't have to drink 1.5 litres of water an hour before the scan 😛
Had my dating scan yesterday it was amazing! 🙂 The baby was in exactly the right position to see him/her clearly and I've got a brilliant picture of it with it's thumb in it's mouth (bless). They found no problems so that's put my mind at rest.

I can't wait until the 20 week scan mainly because I won't have to drink 1.5 litres of water an hour before the scan 😛

Hi Emma,

Thats brilliant news....aww:D...

hi Emma thats brill news soo amazing going through the diffeirent stages of pregnancy aint it hehe , could you maybe get the piccie of the baby on here that will send all us ladies gaga lolol xx🙂
Ooooooh - how lovely! You must be so excited and happy that all is well and baby is thriving - congratulations!:DBev
thanks bev,heidi and steff I am so excited i'm on cloud nine at the minute! I'll see what I can do about getting the picture uploaded on here for you all to coo over 😉
Congratulations Emma 🙂🙂 that is such good news 🙂🙂
Great news Emma. x
Aaagh, keep mis-reading this as "Dating Scam"!!! :D What's going on in my head eh?!

Many congrats & fingers crossed for a super pregnancy & birth! 🙂
Brilliant news...well done!
thank you all for your kind words xx
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