Dapaglifozin spaced out

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've taken X2 days worth of 10mg Dapaglifozin and on both days, after approximately 6 hours get sore thigh muscles, a sense of being spaced out which lasts a while. I've read up side effects and this doesn't seem to appear. Anyone experience similar? Did it resolve for you? Thanks!
First thing to say is make sure that you drink plenty of water to replace what you will be losing.

I didn't have any negative symptoms bar one. Unfortunately, I was one of the few who experienced DKA or, at least, the beginnings of it. My wife noticed the pear drops smell coming from me before I did. My sense of smell has been severely damaged since covid!

May also be worth getting back to your GP if symptoms persist.
I've taken X2 days worth of 10mg Dapaglifozin and on both days, after approximately 6 hours get sore thigh muscles, a sense of being spaced out which lasts a while. I've read up side effects and this doesn't seem to appear. Anyone experience similar? Did it resolve for you? Thanks!
I experienced mild dizziness a couple of times in the weeks after starting Dapagliflozin, though no muscle soreness. At the time I read up on it and read that many of the side effects are actually related to dehydration, caused by the flozin's effects in expelling glucose via the kidneys into the urine. Muscle soreness is a potential symptom of dehydration, so it might possibly be that. I still feel a little spaced out sometimes, though I put that down to my weight-loss diet, not the flozin. It feels like I've slept too long - a low energy feeling, not 'firing on all cylinders' - and I've assumed that was just lowish blood glucose levels - a combination of the meds and my diet.

This list of potential side effects includes feeling faint, lightheaded or dizzy, though not thigh muscle pain specifically.

Be sure to drink plenty of water as that may help to prevent side effects including the most common one - UTIs. The few short dizzy spells did pass after a couple of weeks.
I've taken X2 days worth of 10mg Dapaglifozin and on both days, after approximately 6 hours get sore thigh muscles, a sense of being spaced out which lasts a while. I've read up side effects and this doesn't seem to appear. Anyone experience similar? Did it resolve for you? Thanks!
I am a little surprised that you have needed extra medication when your HbA1C is only 58mmol/mol but I suppose if your dietary changes have not worked then it may help.
Are you newly taking statins as they can cause muscle aching and weakness particularly if you are dehydrated.
I experienced mild dizziness a couple of times in the weeks after starting Dapagliflozin, though no muscle soreness. At the time I read up on it and read that many of the side effects are actually related to dehydration, caused by the flozin's effects in expelling glucose via the kidneys into the urine. Muscle soreness is a potential symptom of dehydration, so it might possibly be that. I still feel a little spaced out sometimes, though I put that down to my weight-loss diet, not the flozin. It feels like I've slept too long - a low energy feeling, not 'firing on all cylinders' - and I've assumed that was just lowish blood glucose levels - a combination of the meds and my diet.

This list of potential side effects includes feeling faint, lightheaded or dizzy, though not thigh muscle pain specifically.

Be sure to drink plenty of water as that may help to prevent side effects including the most common one - UTIs. The few short dizzy spells did pass after a couple of weeks.
Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. It is a spaced out feeling, and not quite with it. I've contacted the GP and they have halved the dose to see if I can build up once my body is a bit more used to it (hopefully).
I am a little surprised that you have needed extra medication when your HbA1C is only 58mmol/mol but I suppose if your dietary changes have not worked then it may help.
Are you newly taking statins as they can cause muscle aching and weakness particularly if you are dehydrated.
I've been pre-diabetic for a while and have had checks for a few years (strong family history too). I think weight is my biggest enemy but it's been incredibly difficult for me to lose weight due to a cancer diagnosis, treatments, and complications meaning 4 operations in the last 18 months. The lack of ability to move much, especially after radiotherapy, started the weight gain mostly. I've been on statins for 6 months or so.

I'm aiming to drink 2 litres plus a day. I've taken 2.5mg and have still felt the side effects today :( I'll keep going and if after a week/10 days no change I will go back to GP.
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