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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I am type 2 and was diagnosed 8 years ago. When first diagnosed I was on insulin as my HB1AC was 94, this was for around 6 months and wth diet and exercise I bought it down to around 44. Since then it has been managed with Metformin but my last HB1AC was 56 and I have had Dapagliflozin added as my GP (and I) would like to see the results fall back to around 48.
I made the mistake of googling Dapagliflozin and no wonder if I should have gone for something else. Is any one else on it and could share how they have found it?
im on dapagliflozin and its worked very well for me no side effects at all I would say go for it , if you sre not happy with it im sure there are other things you could try
Hope the Dapagliflozin works well for you @dm275011

We have a few members on it, and people seem to get on well with it on the whole. It’s a class of med that works by encouraging your body to excrete excess glucose in your urine (this usually only happens when BG levels are in double figures, but with dapagliflozin it happens at lower glucose concentrations).

Getting the balance right between your medication and your diet often helps maximise the effectiveness of oral meds.

Glucose in your urine might make you more susceptible to thrush infections.

There’s more information about dapagliflozin here:
one note it does its job and makes you pee a lot
I was put on it because it was also good for cardiovascular health. I think i am stuck with it. My last hba1c was 44.
My concerns are I pee a lot including at night and secondly I was losing weight on lowish carb but received varied advice as to how much carb I now needed and it means I'm sometimes eating carbs I don't want eg chocolate biscuits and bread.
I'm going to start testing again and make an effort to eat sensibly. I don't like too much routine and like eating out for some lunches impulsively, usually soup sometimes a sandwich. Yesterday I had to go into the city and unusually went to John Lewis whose meals include carb counts.i had a delicious casserole which came with mash but I declined the mash and had it with the lower carb side of red cabbage.
I don't feel unwell on it.
I don't want to take it because I'm terrified of getting Fourniers gangrene, I know it's very rare but still...
I was put on it because it was also good for cardiovascular health. I think i am stuck with it. My last hba1c was 44.
My concerns are I pee a lot including at night and secondly I was losing weight on lowish carb but received varied advice as to how much carb I now needed and it means I'm sometimes eating carbs I don't want eg chocolate biscuits and bread.
I'm going to start testing again and make an effort to eat sensibly. I don't like too much routine and like eating out for some lunches impulsively, usually soup sometimes a sandwich. Yesterday I had to go into the city and unusually went to John Lewis whose meals include carb counts.i had a delicious casserole which came with mash but I declined the mash and had it with the lower carb side of red cabbage.
I don't feel unwell on it.
I know there are warnings about not going low carb when on that medication but I have certainly seen that some people are fine with less that the 130g per day but they are testing to see what they are OK with. Maybe you could just have some of the more carby veg like beans, peas or fruit rather than chocy biscuits or bread.
I haven't eaten the chocolate biscuits recently. They were M and S dark chocolate nut and ginger. The idea was to have one if I had been low carb. I'm feeling a bit rootless as I have asked 4 x if the diabetic nurse could let me know of groups or courses. I had my annual review blood tests last month although it was only 4 months since diagnosis. She was off sick so I couldn't see her so I then sabotaged my appointment this month with an hcp as I was totally stressed by my high blood pressure..
Didn't discuss my results and wasn't given a plan so think I'm stuck on medication unchanged until next years review. It is hard to stay motivated and I hate taking my statin. I told them I had felt unwell every day since end of September!
I haven't eaten the chocolate biscuits recently. They were M and S dark chocolate nut and ginger. The idea was to have one if I had been low carb. I'm feeling a bit rootless as I have asked 4 x if the diabetic nurse could let me know of groups or courses. I had my annual review blood tests last month although it was only 4 months since diagnosis. She was off sick so I couldn't see her so I then sabotaged my appointment this month with an hcp as I was totally stressed by my high blood pressure..
Didn't discuss my results and wasn't given a plan so think I'm stuck on medication unchanged until next years review. It is hard to stay motivated and I hate taking my statin. I told them I had felt unwell every day since end of September!
Sorry to hear you feel so unsupported by nurse and medical practice. If you are feeling unwell on your current medication you don't need to wait until your next review to get it sorted. I have had 3 reviews since March 24 and another one due next month, as a newly diagnosed T2.
You are still newly diagnosed. Make some notes about the specific issues with medication you have. Draw up your own plan of what you think can be achieved by your next annual review. Insist on an appointment and take the notes with you.
As regards local groups, worth checking on Diabetes UK website. Unfortunately there are none in my area, but you may be more fortunate.
Diabetes can be serious and you are the one living with the daily issues and potential complications, so please advocate for yourself.
Sorry to hear you feel so unsupported by nurse and medical practice. If you are feeling unwell on your current medication you don't need to wait until your next review to get it sorted. I have had 3 reviews since March 24 and another one due next month, as a newly diagnosed T2.
You are still newly diagnosed. Make some notes about the specific issues with medication you have. Draw up your own plan of what you think can be achieved by your next annual review. Insist on an appointment and take the notes with you.
As regards local groups, worth checking on Diabetes UK website. Unfortunately there are none in my area, but you may be more fortunate.
Diabetes can be serious and you are the one living with the daily issues and potential complications, so please advocate for yourself.
I use unwell advisedly, I don't feel ill. I'm fed up with broken sleep peeing at night and disappointed I've had no courses etc. I wake up feeling stiff and hips aching but it may be age rather than statins. The consultant I saw for steroids precataract and post op was not the person I saw a fortnight ago because she has left z( though I didnt know) but I saw a younger consultant who was efficient good humoured and helpful. Obviously despite good news uveitis had gone he showed me a photo of the scan to show I had a macula oedema. However he reassured me with extra eye drops it will dissappear.
My surgery has been assessed "room for improvement"and whilst I've felt the joy of people who have improved I am just slightly jealous. There are some very good people there so will have to think how to approach them as Doctors don't deal with chronic conditions.
Than you all for your replies. I have only been on it a few days but have pee'd enough for a month! I shall keep going for now and keep a close eye on things.
Than you all for your replies. I have only been on it a few days but have pee'd enough for a month! I shall keep going for now and keep a close eye on things.
Make sure you drink plenty fluids as there is a risk of becoming dehydrated. I think they recommend at least 2 -3 litres a day
I've been on it for just over two weeks and yes have been peeing like mad every day. Initially lost weight but that is the water. I have changed my diet but still a long way to go. I am not sure but am wondering if the drug has made my anxiety/depression (not formally diagnosed for many years and not on meds for it), but at least once a week so far I wake in the night, for a pee, but cannot get back to sleep easily as worries flood my mind about all sorts of things. Am feeling very weepy currently but that might be time of the month, general worries and frustrations at work etc. I am determined to stick to this medication - was on Metformin before and had diarrhoea for months so stopped it hence on this one now. Am drinking plenty, and avoiding a lot of obvious carbs ie bread, pasta and sugary stuff like sweets and chocolate - not 100% perfect at this but so much better than I was a few weeks ago. Next blood test is not til March when I see the Nurse - so it will be very interesting to see if there is a change and how big it is.