Dangerous when bored. On the shakes diet


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am due to have a blood test in the next few weeks - date undecided, so as it is eight years from diagnosis I thought I would see what happens if I use the shakes from Tesco until then.
After so long I am fairly confident that I would be classed as prediabetic if seen now, at the lower end - and overweight if they didn't know how heavy I used to be, with a HbA1c of 91.
I realised this morning that my test strips are out of date, but I'll just go with the shakes and see how things turn out, maybe get more strips if it turns out I push up my HbA1c level, then go on with the shakes a little longer before - I suspect - going back to normal eating.

For the record I am starting out from being uninterested in eating and having one meal a day. As soon as I even began to think about a restricted diet my thoughts kept turning to food.
@Drummer I love food. I eat when I'm happy and stuff myself if sad or bored. I'm coping because apart from eating a sandwich in a cafe if no other choice I have ruled out the naughty carbs I like. If not eating mindfully I'm capable of eating to the end of the packet, crisps biscuits etc. Pre diagnosis I would often not buy something I liked because I knew I would pig. Sometimes I would leave items in car boot then I would need to unlock car if really wanted it. Take sufficient and put back in the car. One thing I would love to have though usually only ate it once or twice a month is a jacket potato. At the moment I feel motivated because I am losing weight but I had a blood test last Thursday with the result on Tuesday and my greedy gene meant a pasta meal out Sunday but I didn't enjoy it so I can cross that one off.

Are you trying the shakes diet to make sure you are in good shape for the blood test? Years ago many of my male colleagues would have slimfast drinks. I suppose it's a way of trying to stop the emotional hold food has.
Hope the blood test is as good as your previous ones.
Hi @Drummer, surprised that you are thinking of going on the shakes. I know you are super-low carb and have a good and varied diet. I hope all goes well for you with your blood tests xx
I am due to have a blood test in the next few weeks - date undecided, so as it is eight years from diagnosis I thought I would see what happens if I use the shakes from Tesco until then.
After so long I am fairly confident that I would be classed as prediabetic if seen now, at the lower end - and overweight if they didn't know how heavy I used to be, with a HbA1c of 91.
I realised this morning that my test strips are out of date, but I'll just go with the shakes and see how things turn out, maybe get more strips if it turns out I push up my HbA1c level, then go on with the shakes a little longer before - I suspect - going back to normal eating.

For the record I am starting out from being uninterested in eating and having one meal a day. As soon as I even began to think about a restricted diet my thoughts kept turning to food.
I don't think your test strips will be all that far out even if out of date as long as you monitor accepts them. I had some which were so bought some new ones and compared and the result was pretty similar.
@Drummer I love food. I eat when I'm happy and stuff myself if sad or bored. I'm coping because apart from eating a sandwich in a cafe if no other choice I have ruled out the naughty carbs I like. If not eating mindfully I'm capable of eating to the end of the packet, crisps biscuits etc. Pre diagnosis I would often not buy something I liked because I knew I would pig. Sometimes I would leave items in car boot then I would need to unlock car if really wanted it. Take sufficient and put back in the car. One thing I would love to have though usually only ate it once or twice a month is a jacket potato. At the moment I feel motivated because I am losing weight but I had a blood test last Thursday with the result on Tuesday and my greedy gene meant a pasta meal out Sunday but I didn't enjoy it so I can cross that one off.

Are you trying the shakes diet to make sure you are in good shape for the blood test? Years ago many of my male colleagues would have slimfast drinks. I suppose it's a way of trying to stop the emotional hold food has.
Hope the blood test is as good as your previous ones.
You could try swede, boiled in two changes of water if the flavour is a bit strong, but I find it OK from the pressure cooker. I take the leftovers from the previous day's dinner add eggs and leftover veges and treat it as bubble and squeak, or mix in mozzarella or cream cheese, put it in a dish and put grated hard cheese on top then bake it.
It might fill that potatoey need.
I was just considering a bit of research on myself as I have always been resistant to losing weight if I ate even a small amount of carbs. The maximum I allowed myself was 40 gm - just about the same as two shakes, so I thought I'd see what various ways of eating might do to my HbA1c. I only get one a year, so this month is a good opportunity to see what could happen if I do low calorie as well as low carb.
Hi @Drummer, surprised that you are thinking of going on the shakes. I know you are super-low carb and have a good and varied diet. I hope all goes well for you with your blood tests xx
I have an enquiring mind.
So far though I don't feel hungry - be interesting to count up the days until I run out of reserves as most high carb eaters seem to become hungry in just hours.
@Drummer I'm just feeling a little nostalgic for baked potatoes. I bought the F Plan decades ago and thought jacket potato and beans was healthy. I like swede and often cook it and have certainly added it to the mash potato on shepherd's pie. I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on for winter dishes. It is easy in summer with so many fresh vegetables and salads. I had a meat sandwich in a cafe for lunch plus salad and haven't felt hungry since. I was supposed to have crab tonight but will have it tomorrow.
Fasting is better than having a shake in the morning, I think - though only on a couple of days evidence - shake in the morning hungry by 15:00, nothing but a drink of water and need to have a shake at 17:00 then think about what to eat later.
The lack of nutrition is beginning to show now. Working in the camper van I needed to do a one handed press-up to reach over the back of the seats and I was shaking like an aspen.
The powders I got from Tesco seem OK.
I put them in a round glass teapot and use my Bamix to mix them - glass so I can see if any of the powder is sticking to the sides, round so the liquid isn't thrown around the kitchen, and the Bamix because there is not much it cannot deal with. The mixture is soft and frothy with the powder entirely beaten into submission.
As it is still quite warm I drink the shake with semi skimmed milk as recommended, then put water into the teapot and drink that, then have coffee with the minimum amount of cream. Later I'll have a couple of lamb chops and some mushrooms cooked in the fat and juices of the duck I roasted a couple of days ago - i was from Lidl and rather good value - though my husband was not all that enthused, so I had a couple more meals from it than I planned.
Fasting is definitely the way to do this - almost 15:00 and still not hungry, though I notice I am thinking about food more than usual.