Dana pump feedback

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I’m about to go on the Dana pump after 27 years on insulin pens and due to me wanting to start a family. Anyone else on it? What’s your thoughts does it really make a massive difference?
Thanks in advance 🙂 x
Great stuff!
@Inka has a Dana and loves it I believe. The general consensus seems to be that if you haven't had a pump before, whichever one you get, you will love, although I think it can be a bit frustrating at first until you get it set up right.

Good luck with it and falling pregnant! I am sure others will be along soon to share their experiences with pumps.... and perhaps pregnancy.
Aww that’s great I’m excited to get started and try and get as in control as possible. As soon as your pre pregnancy it’s as if you need to reverse your diabetes lol very overwhelming but if others can do it so can I. I just hope I get the hang of the pump asap but I’ve heard they are great at what they do. All feedback is greatly welcomed 🙂
What’s your thoughts does it really make a massive difference?
Thanks in advance 🙂 x
Hi Laurie,
the simple answer is yes it will make a difference but only if you put the work in. A pump is not plug and play so what you put in is what you get out.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy pumping.
Well i have my goal so yes I’ll put in the work I just hope you can grasp the change as time is against me lol 🙂
Hi there. I am to start on Dana in about three weeks- so also have my fingers crossed. I chose it based on discreetness, phone control, looping and being relatively small and light. @Inka feedback was really helpful in choosing it. So while obviously can’t comment yet, I share your combination of excitement and a bit of trepidation. 🙂 if you would like a new pump buddy, please feel free to dm me. Good luck with it all!
Aw thanks saorise I’ll send you a message I’m due to start mine first week in august. Then I’m off on holiday so bringing my back up pens just incase but hoping all goes smoothly and I did want the Omni pod because it’s not tethered but due to the tight control I need the Dana seemed the best option for me going forward. Although I’m the same as you quite up and down about it lol. We can fill each other in on our journeys 🙂 x
Hi @Laurie I love my Dana pump 🙂 It’s such a small, neat bit of tech, and is tough and hard-wearing. I control it through the app on my phone, which is brilliant when out and about.The app also makes it really easy to look at and change your basal rate - crucial for pregnancy! No handset to recharge, no pens to fiddle about with - just get my phone out, bolus and I’m done.

I’ve had various insulin pumps for almost 20 years and the Dana is definitely one of my favourites. Importantly, it has a great variety of excellent quality sets and cannulas to choose from, and excellent customer service too - efficient and helpful. The rotating sets are very good and make it easier to wear the pump. I thought it was a gimmick at first but once I tried them, I loved them. I use two other sets/cannulas too, depending on body area.

The Dana pump should make it easier to reach pregnancy targets, for sure. Good luck 🙂
Hi there. I am to start on Dana in about three weeks- so also have my fingers crossed. I chose it based on discreetness, phone control, looping and being relatively small and light. @Inka feedback was really helpful in choosing it. So while obviously can’t comment yet, I share your combination of excitement and a bit of trepidation. 🙂 if you would like a new pump buddy, please feel free to dm me. Good luck with it all!

Trepidation is natural @Saoirse Anything new always feels weird to start with. Every time I get a different pump model it takes me a few days to totally feel at ease. Everything becomes natural quickly and then you’ll start to appreciate your pump. I’m due a new pump soon and will probably choose the Dana again.
Hi inka
That’s great your feedback and opinion has settled my anxieties you seem really positive about this pump which is great to hear. Yes I need the good basal rates as I’m pre pregnancy so it’s so very strict and I am so keen to get to where I need to be so it’s a safe as possible.
Also with the options the pump provides that’s great to know I’m assuming you still find it discreet and manageable in your every day life?
Thanks so much for your feedback 🙂
Yes, I often forget I’m wearing it! I generally have it on a Hid-in belt round my waist. It really is small. It’s one of the smallest, lightest 300 unit pumps around. Nobody knows I have a pump unless I show or tell them. Everything is done on my phone - bolusing, basal rate changes, temp basals. I don’t need to get my pump out at all. Although I do occasionally show it off because I like the colour :D
Haha this is so cool. That’s great to know and yes my diabetic team told me about the app and control through your phone which is great. Plus the fact it can stop when having a hypo and correct if high (as far as I’m aware you can correct me if I am wrong) is settling my mind
Trepidation is natural @Saoirse Anything new always feels weird to start with. Every time I get a different pump model it takes me a few days to totally feel at ease. Everything becomes natural quickly and then you’ll start to appreciate your pump. I’m due a new pump soon and will probably choose the Dana again.
Thanks inka for your typically kind and supportive reply - I’m looking forward to it really,but just have to remind myself it’s not going to be without bumpy moments. And that’s ok, we’ll figure it out
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