Damn Chemist!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Went into Boots this morning to pick up my prescription which I put in 2 weeks ago to allow plenty of time to get it done and guess what they didn't have it!😡

So they had to give me some insulin pens from the emergency stock and I have to go back tomorrow to get my prescription.

Why is it they can't do something as simple as making sure your prescription is done on time, I've had this happen a lot over the last 6 months and it's really starting to annoy me.
It is annoying when that happens and you know you have given them plenty of time. Is there another pharmacy near you that would offer a better service? As it is Boots I don't suppose writing to the branch manager and head office will do much good except to help you vent your frustrations...
Went into Boots this morning to pick up my prescription which I put in 2 weeks ago to allow plenty of time to get it done and guess what they didn't have it!😡

So they had to give me some insulin pens from the emergency stock and I have to go back tomorrow to get my prescription.

Why is it they can't do something as simple as making sure your prescription is done on time, I've had this happen a lot over the last 6 months and it's really starting to annoy me.

Thats well annoying.

Sometimes with boots they are great and other times they are rubbish, They never open on time time either always at 10 past which is not 8 on my watch 🙂

Can you get it anywhere else?
Cant believe it's took as long as Scottys thread before someone else has had issues with Boots, i'd change chemists if you can Phil, lloyds have been great since i went with them, 2 weeks should be more then enough time to get your script ready.
The reason I use Boots is because it is right on top of my work and very convenient to go into to drop off or pick up prescriptions. The service used to be really good when I first started using it, but more recently things have been getting gradually worse i.e. not being able to find prescriptions that I had handed in etc.
Went into Boots this morning to pick up my prescription which I put in 2 weeks ago to allow plenty of time to get it done and guess what they didn't have it!😡

So they had to give me some insulin pens from the emergency stock and I have to go back tomorrow to get my prescription.

Why is it they can't do something as simple as making sure your prescription is done on time, I've had this happen a lot over the last 6 months and it's really starting to annoy me.

Sorry to hear about your frustration with Boots. Does your surgery have an in house chemist that you could use, or maybe trying another chemist. I think we have all been there!:(:(Sheena
I stopped using Boots a couple of years ago as my GP is part of the same shopping centre and they had an arrangement. I would put in my request for stuff, prescription would go over to Boots, I would wait a day and two and expect to walk into Boots to pick up. It never happened. They were always 'just doing it now'. Yeah right.

I now use a small pharmacy closer to home and feel I am giving them business.
Ditch them Phil! In any other context you wouldnt give your return custom to anyone who wasnt giving you good service, so I would leave boots behind....

....easy to say though, I get a bit narked with my guys sometimes but there isnt a lot of choice locally :(
We are quite lucky with chemists and pharmacies in my area. There is one we use most of the time. If he thinks our doctor has mis prescribed something or put the wrong ammount down, he will phone the surgery and get them to fax him back with the right thing. I think he is good as he has 5 other pharmacies close by to compete with and he wants our custom. Occaisionally he wont have something or will only be able to part fill our scripts, but stuff is normally in when he says it will be.

Infact I'd say our local pharmacist is better, more efficient and more user friendly than our doctor!
I've stopped using Boots as well, mostly because there's a Lloyd's outside the surgery and it saves me having to walk into town. So far they've been very good and I've never had to wait long or been told they don't have what I need. Boots in Streatham before I moved home were useless, they were utterly clueless and couldn't care less either. The surgery I was with down there recommended using a little local outfit and they worked really well. I only use Boots these days for makeup and tights.
The service in Lioyds Pharmacies varies, I have been in when it is so quiet you could hear a pin drop and been told I have to wait for an hour for them to fill my prescription. Some Lioyds give better service than others.
Yer I agree ditch boots they are an absouloute joke, I had nitemare after nitemare with them, i now use numark who i have to say are brilliant an never let me down
Nobody i know who used to work at Boots enjoyed it, and i have to say, they have a pretty bad record in here. I'm not aware of any insulin supply problems at the moment, we've got a reasonable stock level and if we can get them, then surely boots can.
Have to say, they could be changing over staff (it's that time coming up where new pre-registration pharmacists start work. We're also a bit skittish about what the government plans for health care reform means for us, although i'd have thought that it was quids in for boots. Neither of those are good excuses in the long term, go to another pharmacy, it's a business like any other and if it can't give the service you need, then vote with your feet.
Thats terrible!! 2 weeks is more than enough time to sort out one prescription....god i would have thought boots would be of a higher standard than that. very disappointing....i hope you said something to them or they apologised.....i mean its not like you need it to survive or anything...!
that 2 chemists i dont use thats both boots and asda you think boots is bad asda is alot worse you either got to wait 2 hrs for your scrip if by luck your scrip is ready 2 hours later your lucky of what you need is in stock or if not in stock youve to come back the next day after handing it in the day before and still not ready the next day and still got to wait hours
I had the same problem so from then on I make sure we have a spare of everything, when we run out of something, we order some more and just in case this problem happens again, I'm happier knowing we have a spare ones at home.
My local Boots is right next to the surgery so it's the logical place to go. A while back I was having problems with items not being in stock (plus a long wait to find that out!), so I was persuaded to hand my repeat in to the pharmacy instead of the surgery. The theory weas that they would then know in advance what stock to get in (presuming the doctor signed for everything), they could get the stuff ready and I could just walk in, pick it up, and out again.

Didn't happen. I tried this three times and each time there were things missing, plus I found myself still waiting (and longer than people who'd just walked in as I used to do), so I gave it up as a bad idea and went back to my old method. I appreciate that it must be an incredibly complex job getting appropriate stock levels of all the hundreds (if not thousands) of medications required at short notice from people who walk in off the street. There ought to be less of a problem though when they have a list four or five days in advance!
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