Dammit! Near disaster.

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Howling gales, pouring rain, freezing cold, I just had the flu jab and I feel sick, oh and I'm exceedingly irritated. I had to remind the nurse twice to check she had the egg free vaccine because I'm allergic - to eggs I mean, the littlest bit of albumen could finish me off. She didn't but was all set to stick me anyway until I insisted she made sure, stupid bl***y woman. Disaster averted thankfully - I did give her earache over it though and mentioned it at reception after when I asked for a telephone appt with my GP (about something else). They normally have a separate clinic for oddities like me but we're all lumped in together this year. Effing dangerous IMO.
Good grief! 😱 Stupid woman! Very worrying when they don't listen - what was she thinking???? :( Glad you are OK {{{HUGS}}}
Good job you insisted that she did check and you came out with the right one and ok, at my old practice it was like a production line some days getting the jab, easily enough for mistakes to happen. at least my current one the nurse did check first.
It is awful when the people we rely on to help us stay healthy don't listen. One day I had one nurse tell me she was a nurse and new best and then tried to treat a hypo with insulin...
it strikes me that I'd trust the DF more than some 'experts'. At least her knowledge is growing :D
They worry me these medical folk, I can't work out if they're sociopaths with a God complex, or just a bit thick (sorry hate that word but I can't think of another word to use in this context). It reminds me of being in hospital with a sign over the bed that said anaphylaxis:seafood. The nurse who brought me a prawn curry said "no there's no seafood in it". I said "that looks very much like a prawn on top". "Oh" she said " are prawns seafood?". She followed that with a question regarding anaphylaxis and whether that was like an allergy 😱

Glad you averted disaster, but quite angry that you should have to have such a firm hand in the prevention of your own demise in a medical setting 😡
It's like me saying to one of the grandkids not to draw on the dining table without something between her sheet of paper and the table top, otherwise she might make accidental marks in the wood. Wood? Is your table made out of trees?

She apparently thought the slight grooves evident by touch on most furniture surfaces in my house were where I hadn't cleaned it properly!!!
I'm sort of used to it now. I automatically check everything 'they' try to give me. and ask questions repeatedly until I have clear answers. It's my life at stake here and I won't take chances. I learned the hard way because I've had them try to give me penicillin when I'm desperately allergic to the stuff, try to feed me an egg salad when in hospital and even had one ask me what an allergy is. What do they teach them in training these days?
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