Daily Mail: 2 years for T2 diagnosis

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Realise this is the Daily Mail (which I never read) but this jumped out on my news feed.

This mirrors my own journey to T2 diagnosis with multiple warning signs for over 2 years which I now realise should've been looked at. Hindsight is always 20/20!
Type 1 can also be slow to arrive at diagnosis, especially the older you are :( With hindsight, I had symptoms for possibly about 6 months prior to falling extremely ill with ketoacidosis (DKA). Because of the circumstances I was diagnosed at that point and fortunately given appropriate treatment by the hospital, but I have encountered many, many people here on the forum over the years who have gone down the GP route and been diagnosed as Type 2 purely based on their age :( Many then had to endure a protracted period on various types of Type 2 medication until it finally became clear that nothing was working. It's astounding, but many healthcare professionals believe that only children can 'get' Type 1. We even had a member once who was told that, since he had turned 40 he would no longer be classed as Type 1, but Type 2! 😱

A big problem is that people often put down symptoms to other things - 'I'm tired because...', 'I'm thirsty because...' etc.
I heard this on the news today. I have often wondered why diabetic screening (Hba1c) isn't offered to everyone over the age of 40years. There are so many other screenings taking place in the adult population. Then it is up to the individual to either take advantage of this or not. I suspect I know what the answer is, money.

Realise this is the Daily Mail (which I never read) but this jumped out on my news feed.

This mirrors my own journey to T2 diagnosis with multiple warning signs for over 2 years which I now realise should've been looked at. Hindsight is always 20/20!
I have been told that for the 25 years between turning 40 and being diagnosed type 2, I had annual health checks done.
Well someone is telling porkies because my memory isn't that bad - or at least I hope it isn't.
Everybody seems to have different symptoms or indeed no real symptoms. I have always been overweight, I don't ever remember being the recommended weight for my height. I went to the GP because of a bad knee and I was tested 6 years ago because of risk factors due to family history. I never felt thirsty, people used to say I didn't drink enough, I would go all day without visiting the loo but up and down like a yoyo at night which I put down to habit rather than an actual need for the loo. I initially was prediabetic just under the diabetes zone and got it back down but over the following few years, more stress and put on weight, I was feeling unwell light headed, dizzy, just not myself last June and blood pressure was higher than desirable and HbA1C up at 50mmol/mol but still no thirst. Low carb diet and all the good support here now down to 38mol/mol.
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