Daily diet of beer, pork pies and pasties nearly cost Cleethorpes man his life

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A DAILY diet of ten pints of beer, four bottles of energy drink, pastries and ready-meals nearly lost this grandfather his life.

When Peter Wilson collapsed at home and was rushed to hospital, his blood sugar reading was nearly ten times higher than the average person.

He spent 15 days in an induced coma ? missing Christmas and New Year's Eve ? and tells his story as new figures released by Diabetes UK show that three million people in the UK now have the condition, creating a huge burden on the NHS.

Most cases are Type 2 diabetes, caused by the UK's ageing population and rapidly rising number of overweight and obese people.

Peter, 65, of Cleethorpes, is lucky to be alive, but now understands why his health deteriorated the way it did. For around 20 years, he worked in the brewery industry selling beer to venues across Lincolnshire ? a career that led him down a slippery slope, and he admits he would drink about ten pints of beer most days.


So, it hadn't occurred to him that "A DAILY diet of ten pints of beer, four bottles of energy drink, pastries and ready-meals" might be bad for his health? 🙄
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