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Anthony Neve

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
whos done it? does it work? any experiences youd like to share?

(sorry if this is a repost!)

Im thinking of trying to get on the course as what ive read so far seems like it will help me no end.
Yes! I did DAFNE in Norwich just under two years ago and I do highly recommend it, sometimes a little too much!
I found it very useful not only in everything it taught me about carb counting etc but also that it gave me the opportunity to have a bit of space to think about nothing but managing my diabetes, it's so easy to neglect giving some time to it but it all gets so much easier if you do.

I also found that having a week with the DSN and the dietician you get to know the really well and I feel my general care has benefitted as I find it a lot easier to ask for what I need now that I 'know' them rather than them being just names at the hospital.

So I'd say absolutely if you get the chance to do it give it a go.
Hi, yes I've done it too. I did it about four years ago and can honestly say it was fantastic. I felt that it made my diabetic care much more flexible and I felt much more in control of everything and I agree it's brilliant to have time which is just devoted to sorting out your diabetes, often when we're managing work and home life too it's hard to stand back and see what needs to be done.

I would recommend it absolutely and in fact am just about to book myself onto some refresher courses. 😛

I've heard of this course but don't really know much about it. I've been diagnosed 12 months now (type 1) so am i too far down the line to do it now and if not how do you go about getting on one ?

Any help greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙂🙂🙂
not at all aries man, people diagnosed 20+ years can go on it. You need to ask your DSN if they run a course at your hospital, if not they should be able to let you know where your nearest one runs.
I've heard of this course but don't really know much about it. I've been diagnosed 12 months now (type 1) so am i too far down the line to do it now and if not how do you go about getting on one ?

Any help greatly appreciated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙂🙂🙂

Not at all, they usually won't let anyone sign up until they are definately out of the honeymoon period so usually people wouldn't do it until a year in at least. I'd been diagnosed for a couple of years before I did it.

It's not run everywhere in the country but it's worth checking out the website to see if it's run where you are a patient.


A lot of places that do run it do have waiting lists, the best thing to do is to speak with your DSN and get yourself on the waiting list if it's available. I managed to get on it quite quickly as I said I was happy to be contacted at short notice so I got a place when someone else cancelled.

I can't recommend it enough, I know some people who have been reluctant to do it as they're already confident with their carb counting but there is really so much to get out of it and it's definately worth the time.
a lot of pct's run there own versions of the course to, so it is defo worth checking with dn if they do anything like it.
Hi, yes I've done it too. I did it about four years ago and can honestly say it was fantastic. I felt that it made my diabetic care much more flexible and I felt much more in control of everything and I agree it's brilliant to have time which is just devoted to sorting out your diabetes, often when we're managing work and home life too it's hard to stand back and see what needs to be done.

I would recommend it absolutely and in fact am just about to book myself onto some refresher courses. 😛

Does your hospital run the refresher courses? I've never been offered any but looking at the DAFNE website it seems to be part of the approach so wonder if I should be investigating...
a lot of pct's run there own versions of the course to, so it is defo worth checking with dn if they do anything like it.

Yes, mine had a much briefer version that took place one day a week over three weeks. I found it immensely helpful, not least because I got to meet fellow people with diabetes and became quickly aware of the range of experiences people can have.
Well, there's me telling you I'm off on a DAFNE course and when the post arrived today it turns out I'm going on a 4 week BERTIE course. The workbook says we do carb counting but it seems to be a more generalised agenda. Confused? You bet!
Well, there's me telling you I'm off on a DAFNE course and when the post arrived today it turns out I'm going on a 4 week BERTIE course. The workbook says we do carb counting but it seems to be a more generalised agenda. Confused? You bet!

Think yourself lucky - it might have been a DESMOND!:D
In another area of life, Desmond = Tutu = two two = honours degree, 2nd class, 2nd division (2.1)

In some science establishments I have worked, there is a suspicion that they think of the acronym first, then fit words to it, and then fit science to those words! eg http://www.antarctica.ac.uk//bas_research/current_programmes/
OK, thcko ARIES MAN is back again. Who or what is DESMOND ???????:confused::confused::confused: And what do they both stand for DESMOND & DAFNE ?????????

CHEERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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desmond is diabetes education and self management for ongoing and newly diagnosed- it's a diabetes education programme designed for type two.
Dafne is dose adjustment for normal eating- a course for type one.
Bertie is just a local interpretation of DAFNE. Alot of hospitals make up their own course so that they don't have to sign up to the offical DAFNE program. You will learn the same things as you would on a proper DAFNE course. I've heard of people been on BERTIE and foudn it very good.
my local pct has called there version I.C.E and it was very good to go on.
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