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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi everyone,
Couldnt find a thread about DAfNE - am sure someone will point me in the right direction soon.
Just popped in to say I completed DAfNE yesterday and already feel much more positive about my diabetes. In fact it made me realise how awful I had been feeling about everything for the past year or so! I was regularly in the 20''s after starting insulin in Feb, and felt very despondent when my HBa1C went up to 9.6% from 7.7% previously.(I had been treated with meds for 4.5 yrs) While I seemed top hold steady without food (!), I consistently failed to get the dose right for my meals leaving me feeling washed out and tired every day.
Well, this week has been a complete revelation, I can tell you. I have not had double figures since last Monday (first day of the course) and already feel this may be more managable than I thought. I'm trying to remain realistic and not think of the course as a panacea. But it has helped enormously.
I'd love to hear how others found it. Not everyone there felt it would work for them - well just one person really.
Great to see light at the end of the tunnel!:D
Fantastic glodee! So many people have found DAFNE gives them new motivation with managing their diabetes, so I really hope that ll you have learned helps bring that HbA1c back down again! 🙂
Dafne has done wonders for my diabetes :D
We had such a great time on our course we all asked if we could come back again the following week🙂

I almost didn't get to go, as my consultant was apprehensive whether I would learn anything, as I already carb counted and had fair amount of knowledge... But I did gain loads from going, as I always struggled with data patterning...

IMHO DAFNE is something all T1's should attend ASP after dignoises...
Glo, I guess you did not expect to see me here, did you? 😛 I am very pleased to hear that you are now counting those carbs and having better control. Good luck in the months ahead. I hope to see you and Gem in June. 🙂

I loved my course!! I did it in October and found it very good, i had been trying to get on the course for 3 years 😱 coz it wasnt offered in my post code area. I had terrible control but i too can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it feels good, im still battling my morning and bedtime results but having constant 5's and 6's at lunch and 2hrs after which is good 🙂

Still have to remember bits and revert back to my course material but glad i did it :D
I loved dafne and found it completely life changing!
Im glad to hear the DAFNE has helped so many of you and cannot wait to be placed on it. It seems to be taking forever but Im guessing I wont hear anything till the new year now 🙂
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