Curry and bolusing

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Jemnie Musson

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have tried and tried to combat the problems I have had with bolusing and Chinese/Indian meals out, and all to no avail. I have been on the insulin pump since 2007 and have had Type 1 for 42 years, so have lots of experience, but last night was the final straw. Went out for a curry and did a big bolus - 9 units over 7 hours. First, BS went up to 16, then climbed sharply to 25. When I corrected this, I was woken up with bad hypo, shaking and sweating. Then went on to have another, leaving me feeling utterly wrecked today. Has anybody got any ideas? I have tried almost everything and nothing works! Help!
Hi, i don't know what the timings of those readings were, or what your pre-meal reading was, but on the info you've given, if that was me I would conclude that the extended bolus is too long and you needed more upfront and less in the "tail". But then you say you've tried everything so I guess that includes a multiwave?
I too would suggest that the hypo later means that there was too long a tail. I tried multiwave with different amounts upfront and tails of different lengths, and now do not eat a takeaway curry!!! I gave up.

Curry cooked at home is no problem as I know exactly what has gone in so I am more confident about carbs.
So this curry - what exactly did you eat and drink - including eg an odd bit of your OH's papadom, a swig of lager, some lime pickle, a dollop of mango chutney - everything including what type of rice, what type of naan .......

To be honest - I have very very very rarely been for a curry alone and equally rarely not had a 'just a bit' of something that wasn't actually part of what I actually ordered. Including whilst on holiday in India!
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