Cure for diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do you think they will find a cure for diabetes and if so do you it will be in our life time or not for many years yet ?
They seem to be finding cures for most things, so it is only a matter of time before a cure for diabetes is found too. It is hard to say when it will happen, but I am sure it will happen eventually
I am a bit of a cynic about this. It was always said to me that its only a matter of time before diabetes is cured and yes it would happen in my lifetime but as i have gotten older i am not so convinced.

Drugs companies and such like make millions with all that is encompassed with diseases/illnesses etc etc. Look at the cost of each prescription for example. People at charities don't work for free - look at DUK for example and so it goes on and on....

It may be a conspiracy theory of mine but i have convinced myself that i will live and die with T1. I have been diabetic for 27 years so far and other than the advance of medical science coming along in leaps and bounds to assist with making it easier to manage, personally I can't see it happening in my life time owing to the amount of money made.

I am very happy to be proved wrong however!

Bernie 🙂
I've been diabetic for fourteen years and if there is a cure that comes out sooner or later I do believe it will involve catching people in their honeymoon period just after diagnosis and so would be useless for old crusty devils like myself. If there is any treatment that evolves I do believe it will involve stem cells as opposed to anything else.

As Bernie says, we are too easy to make a mint out of. Think about it Eli Lily and Novonordisk would lose vast amounts and I don't think that companies such as that would be willing to contribute to anything that would affect their profits. Sorry for being so damn cynical but that's me all over.

I've been diabetic for fourteen years and if there is a cure that comes out sooner or later I do believe it will involve catching people in their honeymoon period just after diagnosis and so would be useless for old crusty devils like myself. If there is any treatment that evolves I do believe it will involve stem cells as opposed to anything else.

As Bernie says, we are too easy to make a mint out of. Think about it Eli Lily and Novonordisk would lose vast amounts and I don't think that companies such as that would be willing to contribute to anything that would affect their profits. Sorry for being so damn cynical but that's me all over.


my mum has just pointed out that we're costing the NHS so much, surely they'd want to push for a cure...? just another angle on it. i said i reckon Novonordisk etc are slipping the NHS a bit of cash 😛
my mum has just pointed out that we're costing the NHS so much, surely they'd want to push for a cure...? just another angle on it. i said i reckon Novonordisk etc are slipping the NHS a bit of cash 😛

Yes they surely would but if it ends up costing more than we already do I think the pen pushers will win. Besides, we in pathology like to do HbA1C's. I just reckon that people aren't putting in as much effort as it's a silent disease and for the most part we are all outwardly normal.
It'll happen (my guess would be that stem-cell research is where it'll come from, where it'll be possible to grow one's own pancreas in the lab which can then replace the defunct one - and being sourced from oneself it won't need any anti-rejection medication).

As to the "great conspiracy" of pharmaceutical companies making money by preventing cures from being developed, there's always going to be the next big disease for them to medicate, so I doubt that they would actively do that.

Just a thought but it might be an idea to email DUK with this particular question to see what they say about it.
There already is a cure, go and live in Greece!:D
Not to put a damper on things

My answer is No,but I would pay anything if it was possible.
The reason I say no is because my sister was diagnosed some 41 years ago with Type 1 .My mum was told there would be a cure in a few years......I think a few years have now passed.
Apart from better blood monitoring equiptment,needles,variety of insulin, and understanding, they are really no nearer finding a cure than they were 41 years ago.

My sister was diagnosed at aged 4 in the month of September some 41 years ago.
My son was diagnosed at aged 4 in the month of September 36 years later than she was.................strange coincidence really.
I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't believe we'll see a cure any time soon. I think developments towards a cure will most likely come through stem cell research, but I think a full cure for those of us already diagnosed is a long way off. My guess would be that we'll see advances in terms of prevention and reversal in the very early stages of diabetes first. I don't see this in terms of a drugs company conspiracy, I just don't think we're close yet. Again, only my opinion and it would be brilliant if I could be proven wrong!

I'm more excited by the prospects of improvements in treatment options, in particular working towards a closed loop artificial pancreas system which, in my opinion, seems to be where the next big breakthrough will come.
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I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't believe we'll see a cure any time soon. I think developments towards a cure will most likely come through stem cell research, but I think a full cure for those of us already diagnosed is a long way off. My guess would be that we'll see advances in terms of prevention and reversal in the very early stages of diabetes first. I don't see this in terms of a drigs company conspiracy, I just don't think we're close yet. Again, only my opinion and it would be brilliant if I could be proven wrong!

I'm more excited by the prospects of improvements in treatment options, in particular working towards a closed loop artificial pancreas system which, in my opinion, seems to be where the next big breakthrough will come.

Yep, I think that I'd agree with that.

I believe there will be a cure and it will be in Alex's lifetime. I have some of his stem cells frozen and I believe this is the way forward after attending the JDRF meetings. The artifical pancreas is already here being tested by lots of children on the other forum - results are looking good so far!🙂Bev
I've heard the theory of drug companies gaining a huge advantage over us.

I'm not so sure, although I know the vast amounts of money made seems like a massive thing to loose...

However I'm with the idea that we will get a cure, think within my lifetime hopefully.

Even if it is out there (or is going to be found), I deffinately one who would love to experience what it feels like to be non diabetic.

Summary: a matter of "when" and not "if"
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