Cubital & Carpal Tunnel Syndromes


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wondering if anyone has experience of these conditions recovering without needing much treatment or if it led to surgery for you?

Two weeks ago it came on suddenly one morning, cubital tunnel first then carpal tunnel. Was on holiday the last 2 weeks so didn’t see anyone till today. Diagnosed as primarily cubital tunnel syndrome, which can be a complication of diabetes, and which has then caused carpal tunnel syndrome.

I work at a computer all day and am a keen brass musician and it’s my dominant right hand so it’s difficult to do both of these. I’ve been prescribed naproxen twice a day for a month, and advised to wear both elbow and wrist splints at night, and a wrist splint whilst playing, to keep both elbow and wrist straight.

Apparently this should fix it in 3-4 weeks, but naturally I’m concerned about the what if it doesn’t… said to come back if not better in 4 weeks as would then refer for nerve conduction studies. Also concerned about the how to manage work etc in the meantime, my left hand is not that coordinated for using the mouse and typing is hard, then there’s the playing brass instruments…
Just wondering if anyone has experience of these conditions recovering without needing much treatment or if it led to surgery for you?

Two weeks ago it came on suddenly one morning, cubital tunnel first then carpal tunnel. Was on holiday the last 2 weeks so didn’t see anyone till today. Diagnosed as primarily cubital tunnel syndrome, which can be a complication of diabetes, and which has then caused carpal tunnel syndrome.

I work at a computer all day and am a keen brass musician and it’s my dominant right hand so it’s difficult to do both of these. I’ve been prescribed naproxen twice a day for a month, and advised to wear both elbow and wrist splints at night, and a wrist splint whilst playing, to keep both elbow and wrist straight.

Apparently this should fix it in 3-4 weeks, but naturally I’m concerned about the what if it doesn’t… said to come back if not better in 4 weeks as would then refer for nerve conduction studies. Also concerned about the how to manage work etc in the meantime, my left hand is not that coordinated for using the mouse and typing is hard, then there’s the playing brass instruments…
Hi @Lucyr sorry to hear you are suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome. It is something I have suffered with on and off for several years. Like you I was given splints to wear. Told to completely rest that arm/hand for a month. Right arm and I am also right handed. Doctor said if it didn't improve in a month I would get steroid injection in my wrist. Hate needles so did as I was told. Rested & wore splint so inflammation went down. Got a special mouse to use at work which you can use without rotating your wrist. I will try and find a link for you. This was several years before diabetes was diagnosed. Found through trial and error that I needed to limit any activities that caused tingling or pain before to no more than an hour.e.g. ironing and pruning. This has kept it from getting worse, but it is still a weakness I need to be mindful of. I don't play an instrument so can't make any helpful suggestions about playing.
I hope they can sort it for you and you can continue with activities you love.
No experience of either condition @Lucyr (though a finger splint did help my slightly-trigger-finger) but just wanted to wish you all the best with your treatment, and hope it’s a speedy and successful outcome.
No experience of either condition @Lucyr (though a finger splint did help my slightly-trigger-finger) but just wanted to wish you all the best with your treatment, and hope it’s a speedy and successful outcome.
A friend had trigger finger and realised it was caused by how she held the mouse so she reversed the buttons so she was able to hold it more comfortably, problem resolved. No doctors involved other than herself (not medical)
Told to completely rest that arm/hand for a month.
Interesting as I wasn’t told this, was told I can still work / play music but maybe I misunderstood as she did say to rest it for a month. So logically I’m thinking I need to stop using my right hand at work for the month she advised to rest it for (just use left hand instead?) and keep right arm straighter (normally it would be bent all day working) to help the cubital tunnel in my elbow recover. Music I can just avoid personal practice but go to rehearsals and performances.
I had cubital tunnel. Sadly the difficulties I had in seeking assessment (100’s of miles in Australia at the time) meant I ignored the tingling/pins and needles/numbness in my little finger for far too long. On my eventual return to the uk I sought help and got told it was cubital tunnel after nerve conduction tests. Had surgery to relocate the nerve. It didn’t repair anything (as anticipated after so long damaged) but apparently without that surgery the wasting in my hand would have gotten worse and I’d have end up with a claw instead.

If you’ve caught it early take all the recommended actions and return for help promptly if it doesn’t resolve.
The splints arrived today and so my arm is more splint than arm, not sure how I’ll sleep! Need to put a new libre on and that will have to fit on the same arm too! I have also learnt how to use voice dictation on my phone for speech to text. Work left-handed and with only one hand between both mouse and keyboard was definitely hard work today.
The splints arrived today and so my arm is more splint than arm, not sure how I’ll sleep! Need to put a new libre on and that will have to fit on the same arm too! I have also learnt how to use voice dictation on my phone for speech to text. Work left-handed and with only one hand between both mouse and keyboard was definitely hard work today.
The Libre readings shouldn’t affect the arm fitted to. (I’ve been “there” with a different issue.) Any pain or discomfort may affect BG levels regardless? Sorry to hear you struggle with CTS. I personally have no experience. Hope you find a away around the mouse & tech whilst you recover.
Can I just add having had a frozen shoulder a while ago and heading into another right now, even if the arm/elbow/wrist is splinted try and keep the shoulder mobile. Two of the top risk factors for frozen shoulders are diabetes and immobility (often due to another injury) and it’s seriously not funny at all so you don’t want to add that to your woes.
The Libre readings shouldn’t affect the arm fitted to.
It has to be on the arm with the brace because I won’t be able to sleep on that side with my arm straight. Plus as I can’t grip with my right hand it would be difficult to insert it on my left arm
It has to be on the arm with the brace because I won’t be able to sleep on that side with my arm straight. Plus as I can’t grip with my right hand it would be difficult to insert it on my left arm
It makes perfect sense with the sleeping arrangement. I know nothing about the condition. But I did have a colleague diagnosed with it needing an operation? Put him out of action a little while.
September 2020 I got neuropathic complaints in my legs.
This lasted untill December 2020 and never came back (so far).

About two months ago I was diagnosed with CTS, but by the time I had an appointment with the radiologist all the problems were gone. In my case it was caused by riding my bike for hours always holding the steeringwheel (how you call that?) in my left hand, where the problems originated. This gave such a bad pain (in the shoulders, back and arms) I couldn’t sleep at night, untill I used drugs to treat that pain. These complaints have completely gone too, for now.

Apparently I can trigger these complaints with very intensive exercise, which I did both these times.
The problems in my legs are the same as in my hands/arms and rest of my body.

Also they seem to get less or go away with moderate exercise.
I was diagnosed with neuropathy about ten times the last few years always by healthworkers nearby.
But when I have to ride 40 miles or more first to participate in studies this neuropathy is suddenly gone.