Crustless quiche

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Crustless quiche

This needs a bit of forethought because you really need a silicone cake 'tin' or muffin cases - egg sticks really badly without loads of fat to coat even non-stick bakeware.

Basic ingredients:
6 eggs
Half a pot of onion & chive cottage cheese
Blitz these in a blender or liquidizer until really smooth

Optional extras:
Finely chopped veg - whatever you fancy
Grated low fat cheddar
Ham or other cooked meat
For non-slimmers, you can replace half the cottage cheese with double cream

Preheat the oven to 180C
Spray the cake tin or muffin cases with Fry-Light
Pour in the mixture - don't fill muffin cases more than half full
Bake until puffed up and just starting to brown on top
Quiches will sink after cooking
You can freeze any surplus
yum! think i will try this over the weekend

thank you for the recipe 🙂
That does sound quite nice, one of the "not so boring" things to eat, i shall make some over the week end and make the family eat them as well 😛
Well made some tonight, w/w bacon and mushroms, chopped and fryed, spring onion and red pepper. OMG they were fantastic, resisted the cream bit. Def going into the family recipe book. Thanks for sharing:D
Glad you enjoyed it. Cottage cheese is on my shopping list for tomorrow. I don't usually buy the stuff, coz it's horrible except in this recipe.
They are so nice, they should be naughty. Made 12 of them in silicone muffin case, only i would eat them as i'm them as no one else eats mushrooms, there are only 2 left, and i have not felt this full in a long time.
So after 10, they are naughty:D
They are so nice, they should be naughty. Made 12 of them in silicone muffin case, only i would eat them as i'm them as no one else eats mushrooms, there are only 2 left, and i have not felt this full in a long time.
So after 10, they are naughty:D

I thought you were dying from man flu?
I've got a batch of cheese, mushroom & yellow pepper mini quiches in the oven. Not sure how many will make it as far as the fridge!

For those following SW, 75g of reduced fat cheddar split between 12 quiches makes them 1 syn each (provided the cottage cheese is the lowest fat kind and therefore free).
I've got a batch of cheese, mushroom & yellow pepper mini quiches in the oven. Not sure how many will make it as far as the fridge!

For those following SW, 75g of reduced fat cheddar split between 12 quiches makes them 1 syn each (provided the cottage cheese is the lowest fat kind and therefore free).

Can u re make some for 27th april plzzzzzz
I've tweaked the recipe a bit - it's very forgiving. These days I use Lake District Cheese Company quark instead of cottage cheese, and add my own onion and chives. Much smoother!
Hi LeeLee

Do you need muffin tins for them to keep the shape or will dollops on a baking tray do? I am on the boat this week and we only have baking trays, keep meaning to get proper cookware!

Silicone cupcake cases (or a silicone cake tin)* are absolutely essential if you don't want to spend the rest of your life washing up! Even non-stick pans don't really resist the eggy mix in my experience. The mixture is a bit like thick scrambled egg, so it won't hold its shape on its own.

* Now available from some pound shops, so not expensive like they used to be
Thanks for the prompt reply. I know they are not expensive, but as space is at a premium I want to get the right bits, for example all my mixing bowls and measuring jugs stack.

Must try the recipe though!

I've been making crustless quiche since someone suggested it recently, might have been LeeLee, but it's proper tasty. The last one I made with stilton, cheddar and parmesan (I like cheese) with wilted spinach and fried pomodrino tomatoes in the mix. Seasoned with pepper and a teaspoon of mustard powder. Lush.

Only problem was the high water content of the spinach made it a bit soggy and difficult to get a big piece into my face without it falling apart.🙄
Only problem was the high water content of the spinach made it a bit soggy and difficult to get a big piece into my face without it falling apart.🙄

I've found this wonderful invention that might help with your problem. It's a shallow oval bowl attached to a handle. I think it's called a SPOON! :D
I'll try that LeeLee - the chopsticks I'm using are useless!
Hi LeeLee

Finally got round to doing the crustless quiches, they were really good! When I read the recipe properly, not just quick skim read, it said to liquise the ingredients no wonder you advised muffin tins not a baking tray!!!

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