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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Grrr! I fell and twisted and banged my knee, now I can hardly walk! Fortunately, I still have my crutches from when I broke my leg. :( Nothing broken this time thankfully, although it is my 'bad' leg, plus I banged my 'bad' shoulder too! 😱
oh northe poor old you take it easy and stop practicing that dancing on ice !!
Grrr! I fell and twisted and banged my knee, now I can hardly walk! Fortunately, I still have my crutches from when I broke my leg. :( Nothing broken this time thankfully, although it is my 'bad' leg, plus I banged my 'bad' shoulder too! 😱

eek, poor northe! This means pintage is in order 😉 get you back on your feet again :D
Not good Northerner hope it heals soon x
not good old bean! Sit back and have a beer, not too many mind, I had a few last night and slept "heavy" and my left shoulder ain't too clever today.

Hope you're bouncing around soon enough.
Sorry to hear that Northe, take it easy..
Thanks everyone 🙂 Just to put the icing on the cake, I have had another stealth hypo at 2.4 - barely a symptom was felt until they all hit at once! I reckon those BP pills I'm on have definitely affected my hypo awareness. And why is it that my meter, which hardly ever errors, decides to do it when I'm hypo? I know, I should probably have treated the hypo then tested, but not always rational at that level :( I'm currently plucking up courage to go to the kitchen - that's a whole two rooms away so I may be gone for some time...
"Take more water with it" as they say!

Seriously though, I hope you're not in too much pain, Northey, and you can get about a bit easier very soon. I'd set up camp in the kitchen if I were you...... :D

I hope you are feeling better soon. It's one of those days for people having things go wrong. At least you have all the right equipment for treating and helping yourself.
Hope you are feeling better soon, take it easy and look after yourself xx
Grrr! I fell and twisted and banged my knee, now I can hardly walk! Fortunately, I still have my crutches from when I broke my leg. :( Nothing broken this time thankfully, although it is my 'bad' leg, plus I banged my 'bad' shoulder too! 😱

Ooh, for a second there I thought you'd been out on the sauce. That would have been more fun. Have you got a knee support you can use? I hope they gave you some decent painkillers too. Feel better soon and stay off that leg.
ah sweetie - look after yourself

you are the backbone on this Forum and we all need you at your best
Only just had a chance to view the forum . Sorry to hear you've had a fall and hope it heals up quickly.
'Stealth hypos'. Generally, i don't have any warning signs anymore, i guess 'cause i've had D a long time and my control is quite tight most of the time. I often worry about going so low i can't treat myself, but it hasn't happened yet, though i'm sure it will one day. Happy days!
By the way, a client of mine did the London Marathon in 2hrs 47mins - that's impressive isn't it? He came 245th, or something like that!!!!!!🙂 You'll beat that next year i'm sure.
Hope today finds you feeling better! Take care
Sorry you're feeling crook Northerner. Can we help?

eek, poor northe! This means pintage is in order 😉 get you back on your feet again :D

Did someone mention booze...?

I'm sure Sam and I could get you to a pub. For medicinal reasons of course.
I hope your knee heals soon 🙂
Hi how are you feeling this morning
Oh no- people on this forum are dropping like flies- you should organise a sit in with Tom!

Hope it gets better asap! 🙂
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