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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi, I’m attaching a link to a Creon calculator which I’m not experienced enough as a newbie to assess so I wondered what you guys think, or in fact you’ve seen it before.
I take Creon and havedone for many years. I have found that, for me, higher doses give me diarrhoea so I just take two for most meals, That works for me

It, like a lot of situations with Diabetes is a matter of trial and error for you.

Certainly trying to work things out from that table you quoted left me google eyed. You would have to consult your computer every meal.
Thanks so much Merryterry, yes totally agree. Just trying to avoid constipation though and that’s on the lowest dose.1 x 10.000 for snacks and 1 25000 for meals. Maybe Creon just doesn’t agree with me?
I don't think constipation will be an issue if you are a Creon taker. you are going to eat someunknown fat during a days meals so your output will always be on the loose side.
Thanks possibly not the cause then and more likely to be ppi Lansoprozole which is a possible side affect according to the patient leaflet. I’ll bounce that one with the GP.
What a co-incidence. I take Lanzoprosol as well. Never associated it with constipation though. Thinking of dropping it because it decreases the stomach acid and I think it is slowing down my digestion and affecting my diabetes?

Only usually get Acid Reflux whilst laying down at night so might, in discusion with GP, go with a Gaviscon at bedtime?
Well yes that even more amazing because it’s slowed my motility down which is no good for me because of my stoma. Consultant wasn’t interested at all…. pretty disappointing really. Another one for the GP. Dark chocolate, prune juice and a couple of teaspoons of lactulose have got me through the last few weeks. Also creating massive bloating too. Every day is a struggle. Time for action!
I have taken Creon for 20+ years for chronic pancreatitis. Taking PPIs for last 12m and have had type 1 stools. Wondering now if it is the PPIs?
Could be, only thing I could put my finger on as I don’t take any other meds!
I have a call with my Pancreatic consultant tomorrow so will ask as I wondered if I am
taking too much Creon
I’m looking for a second opinion re my PEI diagnosis/treatment cos I’ve had no advice at all from medical people other than take Creon, 2 x meal 1 x snack and the consultant wants to prescribe Duloxetine ( a hammer to crack a nut). It’s the Lansoprozole that’s causing issues what can I take instead. Im not looking for medical expertise here just your experiences. Thank you.
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I have taken Creon for 20+ years for chronic pancreatitis. Taking PPIs for last 12m and have had type 1 stools. Wondering now if it is the PPIs?

Everyone is different with regards to side effects, but been taking Lansoprozole for 25 years & not had any issue, just take 15mg dose daily.
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