crazy bloods

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I cannot control my blood sugars at all lately. Its fine if I eat salads but Im hungry! Like yesterday after breakfast it went as high as 18 - i had special K and 1 slice of toast. If I take alot of insulin in one go I usually go hypo. Its really bothering me I cannot control it. Today before I ate my dinner it was 12 but I was so hingry I just had to eat it - I couldnt wait until it went down. Am I eating the wrong foods or should I take my insulin say 20 mins before I eat? Im on novorapapid.
can't advise as I am on tablets, but as it is getting colder we all crave carby/starchy foods.

Just a suggestion, as salad leaves you feeling hungry, could you have veg soup followed by a salad? It might help you feel full up and while it is cold and damp, soup can be warming too.
Hi Loyloy, welcome to the forum 🙂 How long have you been diagnosed, and do you carb count? The best way to try and deal with this is to try and determine where the peak of your insulin and the food you are eating appears so that you can try and match them as closely as possible. It may well be that injecting 20 minutes before a relatively high GI (glycaemic index) meal (like Special K)will give the insulin a head start so that it 'catches' the peak of the food. How long after injecting/eating breakfast did you have lunch? The reason I ask is that 12 is quite high if it was 4-5 hours later, and this would suggest that your background insulin is too low.

You may also have different insulin:carbohydrate ratios throughout the day - I need loads more novorapid with my breakfast than I do for my lunch, and need even less for my evening meal, so maybe you need to investigate how your needs may change through the day. All this needs a lot of record-keeping and patience, but it is worth it in the end!

I would recommend getting a copy of Ragnar Hanas' Type 1 Diabetes in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults to give you a good background to all aspects of insulin usage.

Please feel free to ask anything that may be troubling you - there are lots of people here with a broad range of experiences who will do their best to help! 🙂
sorry im not new to this forum - i couldnt remember my password as i havnt been on here in ages and wasnt sure how to change it so i just created a new profile. My old name was loloy123 - now its loloy321 lol. Thanks for both replies. Just a question - my blood went down to 2 - so i had a couple of sips of locozade but felt hungry so i didnt have much locozade so i said id eat - i had a small bowl of special k and 2 salad sandwiches on white bread. Im going to have to bolus when my sugars rise a bit to cover my food. Im thinking about 6 units - what do ye think??? I know im prob going to go high again :(
Special K and white bread will surely send your levels high! I can't really say how much novorapid you might need because everyone's needs are different - you need to think of it in relation to what you would normally inject for a meal like that. It's very tempting and perfectly normal to feel very hungry, especially when you drop that low, but you have to try and resist and just eat enough to bring your levels bakc up in the 4-7 range. For me, that is usually just three jelly babies (15g carbs), but your Special K and sandwiches was probably more like 60-70g of carbs. The thing to do is to treat the hypo with a small amount of sugary food, then test again after 15 minutes to see if your levels have come up - if they have and you feel hungry, then you should inject for anything you eat, but it is best to wait and make sure your levels have settled at a reasonable level first. 🙂
yeah i guess i should not have eaten such alot of carbs, but it was only a tiny bowl of special k. Ive taken 6 units now and my blood is 7. Will post back later to say how high it goes!
although im now reading the low gi diet ( which im going to follow ) and it says special k is low gi.
just checked my blood now an hour after eating and its 5.8. It was 9 about 20 mins ago - now down to 5.8. Il prob get another hypo now! God damn it :( Thats what I get for eating a meal when my blood is low - I should treat it with lucozade, then when its about 4-5 eat a meal.
Aw! Keep an eye on things - hope you don't go hypo! If you do, stick to the lucozade 🙂
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