craving for crap

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all. firstly i would like to thank everyone for all the advise i recieved on my last post.

im finding it really difficult trying to resist sugar filled crap, i crave for chocolate and cant help it 😡 . once i have some i cant stop either, i know it sounds stupid but its like craving for fags, once you start thinking about it you cant stop untill you get the nicotine.

i need to swap my sugar filled crap for something a little bit better...but what???
hi all. firstly i would like to thank everyone for all the advise i recieved on my last post.

im finding it really difficult trying to resist sugar filled crap, i crave for chocolate and cant help it 😡 . once i have some i cant stop either, i know it sounds stupid but its like craving for fags, once you start thinking about it you cant stop untill you get the nicotine.

i need to swap my sugar filled crap for something a little bit better...but what???

For starters it isn't stupid. Loads of us feel the same. I hate myself for doing it but the sentence once you start thinking about it you can't stop, is real for so many of us.

How do you stop it, I have no idea, if anyone has the magic words I'd like to hear them too. I have recently got into oranges so am eating more of them but that doesn't stop the chocolate urge.

Our problem is that sugar is addictive. I found this out when I did the Lighter Life diet which is supplements. For the first few days you have a blinding headache and the shakes and it is the lack of carbs. By the way I don't have diabetes so wouldn't advise that diet for people with diabetes nor people without actually. I lost four stone quickly. My body disappeared by my brain did not catch up. I stopped when I started cheating and put back on 6 stone 😱

This is mind over matter I think. Just got to get our minds working the right way. It is all about reprogramming.

My sister has actually just told me about a new 'diet'. This doesn't just mean losing weight. This one sorts out food intolerences as well which is what I want. Its call the Harcombe Diet, Stop Counting Calories or something like that. I read lots of it at my sisters and it goes on about insulin and what it does etc etc. I read it trying with the diabetes head on and I tried to find errors but there weren't any. She had is all right pretty much. You have to read it without thinking about diabetes then you get it. Google it maybe. Might give you something to do rather than worry about chocolate. You only need to go for a week and the cravings will stop.

Ok I've rambled sorry.
I find fruit helps cut down my cravings for things containing refined sugar. I know we still have to be carefull with fruit as it has naturally occuring sugar, and some fruit has more sugar than others.

A friend sometime ago said to me sugar is nice and makes things taste better, but it is of no nutritional value, but I'm not sure how helpful that information is to may people.

As part of a balanced diet, there is a place for some sugar, it is just a question of getting the balance right. Even in the DUK cook books, some recipes contain sugar.
for me that answer is eating chocolate/cakes etc when I want it. Covering it with insulin and enjoying it. This prevents the urge building and stops me binging if I have resisted too long. If I know that I can have it when I want it doesn't become an issue.
I've been a chocoholic for years, as my weight will testify, and haven't found it easy to stop eating it and all the other yummies I used to enjoy, but I tend to eat the odd bit of fruit or those oatcake things instead.

I don't enjoy them one bit, especially as I don't like fruit at all, but tbh, I'm quite scared of the complications which could occur if I don't get my weight down and manage my diabetes well. However, I do still have the odd bit of chocolate or biscuit, just to make things a bit more bearable!!

Do you live in a house with other adults? Maybe they could hide a bar of dark chocolate (better for us than the milk choc) from you and just dish out a couple of squares for a treat now and then, then you wouldn't have access to the whole bar. A bit draconian, and not great for developing self-control, but it might work!! 😛

So, the only bit of advice I can offer is to read up on the complications and it might scare you into leaving those goodies alone! Other than that, I'm afraid self discipline is something that will have to become part of your make-up, especially when you're in the supermarket and all the yummy things you love so much are on special offer!! grrrrr

Somebody mentioned 'Options' hot chocolate the other day, so I gave it a try last night, yummy. I hate diet stuff as a rule, but that Options tasted good and it didn't send my BGL soaring either.

So I'm happy cos I can satisfy my craving for chocolate without adding too many calories and without going hyper.
Somebody mentioned 'Options' hot chocolate the other day, so I gave it a try last night, yummy. I hate diet stuff as a rule, but that Options tasted good and it didn't send my BGL soaring either.

So I'm happy cos I can satisfy my craving for chocolate without adding too many calories and without going hyper.

So many people say that, but it never works for me. If I want chocolate, I actually want to have a piece of chocolate in my mouth, to chew, or suck or whatever. Options is nice, but for me it's just a drink. I'd have that and then the chocolate afterwards, lol !! :D

But it's great that it works for you. 🙂

ive tried drinking hot chocolate but it doesnt really work for me :( and fruit kinda works but just doesnt have the same effect as a bar of chocolate.

once i start eating chocolate i cant stop untill i feel sick, i have absolutly no self control!
ive tried drinking hot chocolate but it doesnt really work for me :( and fruit kinda works but just doesnt have the same effect as a bar of chocolate.

once i start eating chocolate i cant stop untill i feel sick, i have absolutly no self control!

do you like nuts? sometimes i snack on a pack of pistachios - low in carbs, but not good if you are watching your weight.
Somebody mentioned 'Options' hot chocolate the other day, so I gave it a try last night, yummy. I hate diet stuff as a rule, but that Options tasted good and it didn't send my BGL soaring either.

So I'm happy cos I can satisfy my craving for chocolate without adding too many calories and without going hyper.

I have a jar of options on my desk at work and have one in the morning. If I want another after lunch I have it if I haven't had a bar of chocolate already. I hadn't read it as a diet option I'd read it as another option, a different choice!
to AllisonM

I was me who mentioned Options - glad you enjoyed it - remember as I said make it really thick and pour over tinned fruit

Options are a godsend - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

White Choc

mmmmmmm - seem so wrong but are actually so right!
Options are a godsend - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

White Choc

mmmmmmm - seem so wrong but are actually so right!
Belgian Choc!
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