cpeptide result

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all can someone please explain my cpeptide result to me please 2 years ago it was 497 and diagnosed type 2. i saw my consultant 3 weeks ago who said there was no way i was type to and marked it down as type 1.5 pending cpeptide results which are now 584 but i have no idea what this means
no info given @Inka i have contacted my drs for advice on it and all they said was book same day appointment which is hard to do due to my working hours and when i do get to speak to someone there are no appointments. i feel my drs dont want to know now as im under the hospital
Yes, it’s similar with accessing my GP - very frustrating! To be honest, I don’t think the GP would know much about this, but they should have a letter from the consultant. Could you contact the Surgery by email and request a copy of this letter?
@Inka i found out about the result on something called mycare which is linked to my hospital not from my drs so i dont know if they received a letter. im meant to be seeing the dsn next month but no appointment has come through yet. im on 32units twice a day of insulin and still getting high sugar readings
Hi @tracy1 . Please don’t worry about having LADA or 1.5 as it is often called , it’s just another variety of diabetes and is no worse than any other type !
It’s unlikely that your gp or diabetes practice nurse (dn) will know much about it. But some do .

Initially it resembles T2 and responds to T2 treatments, then after weeks, months or as in my case years insulin is needed.
It sounds like you are on a mixed insulin . When you next see or speak to your DSN it would be worth discussing going onto to a Basal ( long acting insulin) and a separate one for meals.
It’s a very flexible regime though it does mean more injections.
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@Inka im taking levemir currently 32 units twice a day my sugars can be as low as 7 and as high as 27
@Ljc im on levemir my consultant took me of novorapid to see how i was but my sugars are all over the place. He did want me back on metformin but i had horrible heartburn where i wasnt eating or drinking so was told to stop them and they did nothing to my sugars
@Inka im taking levemir currently 32 units twice a day my sugars can be as low as 7 and as high as 27

Get back on Novorapid ASAP would be my advice @tracy1 27 is very high and I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that. You must be feeling really rough with sugars that high.
@Inka im not allowed back on novorapid till i either see DSN or consultant in 4 months they haven't been that high for a week or so but certainly not in the range i was given of 4-8
So what’s the range in the last week or so? I wouldn’t wait 4 months if I was running high. That’s not acceptable and could cause damage. Can you phone the DSN, or email your consultant’s secretary and ask them to pass on your concern and your numbers?
@Inka lowest 4.9 highest 18.5 still not great. i could call them but as i work nights at mo im sleeping during the day then i have to cook tea so always forget
That does make it difficult. I think I’d try to email and explain that you’re working nights (just in case they try to phone and wake you).
they know i work nights hun but as from monday ill be working during the day so im hoping things will settle down. im hoping my nurse calls today or tomorrow
well as expected dn has just called and she has no idea what the level means and has suggested i call dsn
Sorry to hear about the frustrating and confusing time you are having @tracy1

4 months ??? That’s crazy, if you are having those dramatic swings in BG, and those high levels. :(

Could you perhaps keep a food diary to see if you can spot any patterns and maybe see which sorts of things are kinder on your levels? Note down everything you eat and drink. Along with an estimate of the amount of total carbohydrate (not just ‘of which sugars’) in what you are eating. It will be the total carbohydrate that is the best indicator of a meals likelihood of raising blood glucose. If you can spot some patterns in your results you might be able to find the sorts of things that balance better with your Levemir and don’t overwhelm it 🙂
Hi. LADA in it's later stages is effectively T1 and the NICE guidance is to have the Basal/Bolus regime. Anyone who is having difficulty getting Basal/Bolus should quote the relevant NICE T1 Diabetes Guidelines (Google it) to the GP/DN
Human insulin has 2 peptide rings, only one of which is absorbed by muscles, etc. if you have the other ring it means you are still making insulin in the pancreas.
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