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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I have kept well since being diagnosed with type 1 in July 2021. But felt poorly today and took a Covid test 5 mins ago and it is positive. I feel really panicked and scared now. Any advice as my mind is blank and I am absolutely terrified.
My blood sugars well controlled, HbA1c 44, had my review two weeks ago. I am consistently over 90% in range.
I cannot help but think of the worst cases.
I have slept most of the day having had two lemsips.
All advice appreciated a tearful Elizabeth
Hopefully your symptoms will be mild and will pass off in a few days though you may test positive for quite a while.
As your blood glucose is well controlled you shouldn't see too much difference, some people have had to up their insulin as they might in response to any infection. Keep an eye on your blood glucose and take action if needed.
Sorry to read you have just tested positive for covid @Elizabethe
I am not a doctor but, from the research I have done, the additional risk of severe covid from having diabetes are due to it being poorly managed. The studies I read consider a HbA1c of 75 or over being higher risk. Your 44 with 90% in range is fantastic.

After nearly 20 years with Type 1 and similar HBa1C, I was unfortunate to get covid earlier this year. I was lucky - I have had worse colds.

My advice would be to monitor your levels closely as covid (and any illness) can knock your levels. You should have sick day rules to follow. If you see your levels rise, check your ketones.
I find high blood sugar levels when ill can make me feel worse and correction doses can take longer to work but will make me feel better.

Hopefully, your symptoms don't last too long: my symptoms were over within 4 days and I tested negative after 5 days.
Hi @Elizabethe, I cannot offer any advice as I have no knowledge or experience of T1 diabetes and little experience of T2. My adult daughter, who has learning and other disabilities was petrified of catching covid 19, in April this year both of us caught it, she was very scared, anxious and panicky, even though her symptoms were no worse than a cold. I hope that your symptoms are mild take care 🙂
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Sorry to hear this @Elizabethe

I can completely understand why you are worried, but try not to be too anxious. Just keep a close eye in those BGs and ketones.

I got through Covid (Omicron) almost entirely unscathed. Justbit of a headache and fevery shivers in the first 24 hrs. Another 24hrs of grogginess, then 6-7 days of impatiently waiting for the lines to clear 🙂

Hope it treats you kindly. Get well soon!
Hi How are you feeling today? I have no experience to offer as I am still managing to duck and dodge it but I think the majority of forum members who have had it, have not reported major issues and since your diabetes is well managed, there is every reason to believe you will have a similar experience.

Do you have a copy of "sick day rules" regarding insulin usage and testing for ketones and do you have ketone test strips either for urine or ideally for blood?
Hi How are you feeling today? I have no experience to offer as I am still managing to duck and dodge it but I think the majority of forum members who have had it, have not reported major issues and since your diabetes is well managed, there is every reason to believe you will have a similar experience.

Do you have a copy of "sick day rules" regarding insulin usage and testing for ketones and do you have ketone test strips either for urine or ideally for blood?
Thank You,Rebrascora I have had a miserable two days with flu like symptoms but now absolutely fine. My blood sugars higher than normal about 8/9 ish and I have been taking double the amount of insulin when eating. I am approx 1 unit to 23 carbs , ketones i am taking every day and they have been at 0.1 each time. It is such a worry but how awful it must have been in the early days prior to the vaccinations. I am due to go to Spain next Friday so fingers crossed I will be negative by then. This will be my first holiday abroad since being diagnosed and I was already slightly apprehensive about this. The joys of diabetes, just so thankful I was 64 when diagnosed and retired. Apart from my occasional panic I have a lovely lifestyle with great family and friends albeit they know nothing about diabetes. I do like the forum and find it really useful. Kindness means a lot
So pleased you are feeling better already, even if you have had a rough couple of days, but it sounds like you have managed it really well.
Fingers crossed you will be all clear for your holiday and hope you have a fab time. X
Pleased to hear you are feeling better. Fingers well and truly crossed you are 100% ready for your trip to Spain on Friday.
Ah glad to hear you are feeling better @Elizabethe

Hope you get the ‘all clear‘ in plenty of time to get ready for your trip.

Have a lovely time in Spain 🙂
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