Covid vaccines = health issues?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello everyone!
I'm in need of a little help or advice so ill start from the beginning - I had a seizure on September 30th 2021 early hours of the morning then landed in A&E then I had another one whilst out shopping in the afternoon of 12th November 2021, again landed in A&E - I have had the tests done and shows that I AM NOT epileptic.
So here is my query and please don't judge me... I have been double vaccinated with AstraZeneca, I am wondering if these vaccines are the cause of me suddenly starting having these seizures? I have been thinking recently since having my first seizure about this and before my first one I had been sort of thinking about other parts of my health that have deteriorated but I kind of brushed it off but since my first seizure I have been thinking more about it - has anyone else noticed anything different about their health since having the vaccines more specifically - has this happened to you since having the vaccines even though your not Epileptic?
Please don't judge me about either having the vaccine or say that I shouldn't of had it done etc. I really don't need that, I just need some advice or if anyone is experiencing anything similar?
I had the AZ vaccine and the only side effect for me was insulin sensitivity.
But I am only one person.

Looking at the AZ information document ( there is nothing mentioned about seizures but I dod not know whether this is a symptom of some of the conditions which are mentioned.

If your seizures are still being investigated, it is certainly something to discuss with your doctor
Sorry to hear about your seizures @Lawra That must have been terrifying for you. I highly doubt the Covid vaccine is the cause though. I don’t have epilepsy yet I had a seizure - due to a severe hypo (this was at night - could your nighttime seizure have been a low?). A friend had a seizure out of the blue and had to stop driving for a period of time. She never had another seizure and the cause was unknown. All these things happened before the Covid vaccines.

Have you been given any advice or reason for your seizures? What tests did you have done?
Hi Lawra, I have had been double jabbed and will shortly be booking my third and have so far not had any side effects. Have you spoken to you doctor about this, as a friend of mine has seizures, which are brought on my migraines, which are brought on my stress. Regards. Tim.
Hello everyone!
I'm in need of a little help or advice so ill start from the beginning - I had a seizure on September 30th 2021 early hours of the morning then landed in A&E then I had another one whilst out shopping in the afternoon of 12th November 2021, again landed in A&E - I have had the tests done and shows that I AM NOT epileptic.
So here is my query and please don't judge me... I have been double vaccinated with AstraZeneca, I am wondering if these vaccines are the cause of me suddenly starting having these seizures? I have been thinking recently since having my first seizure about this and before my first one I had been sort of thinking about other parts of my health that have deteriorated but I kind of brushed it off but since my first seizure I have been thinking more about it - has anyone else noticed anything different about their health since having the vaccines more specifically - has this happened to you since having the vaccines even though your not Epileptic?
Please don't judge me about either having the vaccine or say that I shouldn't of had it done etc. I really don't need that, I just need some advice or if anyone is experiencing anything similar?
I think most people who use this forum have been vaccinated, and I don’t remember anyone reporting seizures. We are a fairly small community in the grand scheme of things, though.
Do you know what your blood sugars were when you had your seizures?( I assume A & E would have checked them). I wonder if you’ve lost a bit of your hypo awareness, and aren’t feeling them til you get dangerously low.
It’s very normal when your health changes to look for reasons why and with covid vaccines being relatively new it’s a fair question to ask. So many people have had the vaccine that it means there is a tonne of reliable data out there about potential side effects and you can look up the stats on seizures and as Helli says there is no reason to think the vaccine has caused your seizures.

There are lots of conditions that cause seizures and just because it’s not epilepsy doesn’t mean they won’t be taken seriously or that you have a less legitimate cause but it may be that it takes a while to get the right diagnosis. Either way your GP and consultants will look at triggers and treatment options for you. Living with seizures can be a big adjustment. I know a few people who have non epileptic seizures and they say it takes a while for them to feel normal after one so finding out ways to care for yourself post seizure as well as trying to identify your triggers is helpful and will help you to build a toolbox of coping strategies.
Hi Lawra

Your tale sounds very much like mine, my first "seizure" happened while shopping, that was a full classic epileptic fit. My BG in the ambulance when I came round was 1.8, by the time I got to hospital it was 5.2, presumably a liver dump. The second was in Spar with my wife, I remember saying "I don't feel very well" and woke up in the ambulance, again with a low BG. Like you, I was fully investigated, and found to be not a classical epileptic.

Nonetheless, that first fit, whatever its cause, put me off driving for a year. I don't know if you drive, but if you do you are legally bound to inform the DVLA. It makes no difference what the cause is, an unexplained fit will stop you driving. That doesn't apply to nighttime fits while you are asleep. It does apply even if it was caused by low BG, because it was clearly unexpected.

I don't think the Covid vaccine has been implicated in causing fits, or affecting the frequency of fits in epileptics. Billions of vaccinations have been administered, don't forget, any such an effect would have been reported.
I had the AZ vaccine and the only side effect for me was insulin sensitivity.
But I am only one person.

Looking at the AZ information document ( there is nothing mentioned about seizures but I dod not know whether this is a symptom of some of the conditions which are mentioned.

If your seizures are still being investigated, it is certainly something to discuss with your doctor
Thanks for the link, i've had a look through it and cant seem to see anything obvious.
Sorry to hear about your seizures @Lawra That must have been terrifying for you. I highly doubt the Covid vaccine is the cause though. I don’t have epilepsy yet I had a seizure - due to a severe hypo (this was at night - could your nighttime seizure have been a low?). A friend had a seizure out of the blue and had to stop driving for a period of time. She never had another seizure and the cause was unknown. All these things happened before the Covid vaccines.

Have you been given any advice or reason for your seizures? What tests did you have done?
My first one was about 3:30am and they were 3.6 if I remember rightly, yet the crazy thing is, I've had levels lower then this before and its never happened before. My second seizure was during the afternoon about 2pm whilst shopping in B&M and were about the same I think - but again, i've had levels lower then this before and been ok.

I have had an MRI which was clear and ive also had an EEG which was also normal.
Hi Lawra, I have had been double jabbed and will shortly be booking my third and have so far not had any side effects. Have you spoken to you doctor about this, as a friend of mine has seizures, which are brought on my migraines, which are brought on my stress. Regards. Tim.
Thank you, my first seizure I was under a bit of stress but my second I wasn't, so im not sure. But thank you for your reply.
I think most people who use this forum have been vaccinated, and I don’t remember anyone reporting seizures. We are a fairly small community in the grand scheme of things, though.
Do you know what your blood sugars were when you had your seizures?( I assume A & E would have checked them). I wonder if you’ve lost a bit of your hypo awareness, and aren’t feeling them til you get dangerously low.
My levels were about 3.6(ish) they've been lower then this before and I have been ok - like this morning for example, they were 3.0 and nothing happened.
Hello Lawra

Do you use a continuous glucose monitor or a freestyle libre monitor? Just to eliminate a hypo as a cause of seizures?
Yes, I have the Freestyle Libre 2 but for some reason the 'low glucose' alarm doesnt work.
Don’t mean to sound patronising at all but is low glucose switched on in your settings ? X
Hi Lawra

Your tale sounds very much like mine, my first "seizure" happened while shopping, that was a full classic epileptic fit. My BG in the ambulance when I came round was 1.8, by the time I got to hospital it was 5.2, presumably a liver dump. The second was in Spar with my wife, I remember saying "I don't feel very well" and woke up in the ambulance, again with a low BG. Like you, I was fully investigated, and found to be not a classical epileptic.

Nonetheless, that first fit, whatever its cause, put me off driving for a year. I don't know if you drive, but if you do you are legally bound to inform the DVLA. It makes no difference what the cause is, an unexplained fit will stop you driving. That doesn't apply to nighttime fits while you are asleep. It does apply even if it was caused by low BG, because it was clearly unexpected.

I don't think the Covid vaccine has been implicated in causing fits, or affecting the frequency of fits in epileptics. Billions of vaccinations have been administered, don't forget, any such an effect would have been reported.
My levels at the time of my seizure were around 3.6(ish) the crazy thing is that I have had my levels lowere then this before and very recently actually and I have been fine and not had a siezure.

I do drive and I was told that I am not allowed to drive for 6 months from the first seizure, I literally surrendered my license on Thursday for 6 months then I have this new seizure on Friday afternoon.

I just wanted to know if anyone experienced any seizures after having the vaccines, as like someone above said, the vaccines are new so its easy to think this.
Well that’s annoying for you, hopefully one of the more technical guys on here will have some suggestions
Not all seizures are epilepsy, you say your levels were 3.6 was this when the seizure happened, or when you came round after? Non epileptic seizures can be caused by a whole range of things, blood sugars, other physical causes, emotional / psychological distress, etc.
My first one was about 3:30am and they were 3.6 if I remember rightly, yet the crazy thing is, I've had levels lower then this before and its never happened before. My second seizure was during the afternoon about 2pm whilst shopping in B&M and were about the same I think - but again, i've had levels lower then this before and been ok.

I have had an MRI which was clear and ive also had an EEG which was also normal.

Was the 3.6 a fingerprick or a Libre reading? Personally, I’ve found that how ‘bad’ a hypo is isn’t always related to the actual number eg someone can feel ok at 2.2 on one occasion but have an awful adrenalin reaction on another occasion and feel like they’re about to die. Same with the sweating. I can sweat in the 3s one time, and not another time.

As your blood sugar was on the low side on both occasions, I wonder whether that was a big factor. Perhaps your blood sugar was falling quickly hence the reaction. I once mistakenly injected insulin into a muscle and had a nasty reaction even though my blood sugar shortly before had been normal.

Edited to add - I’ve seen no suggestion that the vaccines cause seizures. I would add that you should be vigilant though - not just for low sugar, but in case you have another seizure. Some people seem more prone to non-epileptic seizures than others.
Hi Lawra,
wow it does sound as if you have been through the mill :(
I wonder if the fits are due to a very rapid drop in your sugars? Have you done any basal testing? If you haven't then you need to do so and perhaps run your blood sugars higher than you would normally just to see if that helps. I haven't heard of the vaccines causing seizures either.
Like many others though I did have flu like symptoms for a couple of days after the vaccine.
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