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Covid Test


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Because I still feel rather under the weather I did my first Covid (test kit just delivered) test in over a year as there seems be be a lot of it around. Glad to say it was negative! 🙂

Have you done a recent test?

Yes, I have quite a heavy cold so I did one yesterday and happy to report mine was negative too although I suspect Covid is now pretty much reduced to the same level of concern as the common cold.
I haven't done one since end of 2021. I had all my jabs up to then too but haven't bothered since as we're still expected in the office even if we did test positive.
Oddly enough, I was meant to go for a job interview this week & was told by phone they are all off with “flu” at this establishment. So it’s been postponed. During the hight of the pandemic in 20, I was actively encouraged not to test at one place I worked even though people around me were dropping like flies? The last time I used a kit was late last year when I had a cough that just wouldn’t shift. 2 days later, it did.
I am all jabbed up to date, but it doesn't stop you getting Covid of course, just helps your body fight it better. The only time I had it, it was just like a minor cold but I tested strong positive for a fortnight and a couple of weeks later I had an asthma attack totally out of the blue which caught me off guard as I haven't had one for possibly decades, so suspect it was linked. Been fine since and sense of smell returned eventually.
I am all jabbed up to date, but it doesn't stop you getting Covid of course, just helps your body fight it better. The only time I had it, it was just like a minor cold but I tested strong positive for a fortnight and a couple of weeks later I had an asthma attack totally out of the blue which caught me off guard as I haven't had one for possibly decades, so suspect it was linked. Been fine since and sense of smell returned eventually.
I’m vaxxed upto date too. Though to date I’ve never contracted it. (Unlike traditional flu.)

Because I still feel rather under the weather I did my first Covid (test kit just delivered) test in over a year as there seems be be a lot of it around. Glad to say it was negative! 🙂

Have you done a recent test?

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I would have been more concerned if it came out in a blue plus “+” sign? 😉 😱
Glad you tested @MikeyBikey
I took one recently, we still have a few test kits at home from when testing was recommended/ mandatory back during the pandemic
Mrs @goodybags worked through a few of the lockdowns and I was required by my employer to work through one of them, so we were given quite alot of test kits

I must admit on attending hospital a few times recently (including eye surgery, I was quite suprised no testing was asked for)
Im up to date with all my Covid Vacations
Like others on here I've had I think about 5 or 6
Mrs @goodybags being younger and more healthy only has had I think 3 she has twice in the past tested positive I have myself never tested positive for covid (although im sure I had it back in December/ January before more was known about Covid 19)
Our boss still expects us to test if we have any symptoms and the company supplies the kits.

One of our colleagues is looking after increasingly frail parents and it wouldn't be good for them to get it and pass it on to said parents and my boys didn't particularly want it either.

I've not had covid in months though - probably due to catch it given my unlucky history with it!!
As I worked in a care home we were required to have jabs for the first couple of years and I carried on with them. I've had covid twice but never felt particularly ill.
I didn't bother getting the jab this year, I got shingles after the last one.