Covid help

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I'm just looking for some reassurance and if anybody has had similar experiences. I contacted covid on christmas day, I don't think I've ever felt so ill, my blood sugar which is usually controlled without medication has gone through the roof so was put back on insulin (lantus) at a dose of just 8 units. My sugars haven't come down at all, phoned 111 new years eve and was told to phone diabetic nurse today (waiting for a call back). I'm now day 8 of covid I'm still positive and still feel ill. My brother who has got no immune system after having a transplant caught it a while ago and he just had a mild cold and was positive for just 6 days. I suffer severe anxiety and I'm worried about how ill its made me feel and that I'm still positive after 8 days. If anyone has been through the same could you please give me some reassurance as I'm starting to think there is something else wrong with me that's causing problems with my immune system
Sorry you’re feeling ill @Kellie1981* Some people do seem to get it worse than others. It can take 10+ days to get a negative on a home test. Some people still show positive for two weeks. I wouldn’t worry about that or your immune system, I’d focus on getting well and getting medical input if you need it. Is it your chest that’s bad?
My chest isn't too bad, I'm coughing up alot of rubbish. My throat isn't sore it hurts and feels swollen its very hard to swallow things also my mouth and tongue burns when I eat I feel lightheaded and weak and generally just feel ill. I'm concerned about not being able to get my sugars down, I had got them completely under control but now even with the insulin I'm getting readings between 17 and 19
Those high sugars will be making you feel rough @Kellie1981* Is there any chance you could talk to your nurse and get advice about getting them down? It could be that they’re as much as a contributory factor as the Covid itself. High sugars alone can make you feel really quite rough.
I’d be quite politely pushy about help in getting those sugars down. I wonder if they’d give you a fast/bolus insulin? That would help and is shorter acting than the Lantus. You could then use it to correct your high sugars and possibly at meals if needed, just until you get better.
I also meant to add that sometimes the illness you feel with Covid can be because your immune system is overreacting/strong not because it’s weak. There are lots of other factors too, so please don’t worry there’s anything wrong with your immune system x
I’d be quite politely pushy about help in getting those sugars down. I wonder if they’d give you a fast/bolus insulin? That would help and is shorter acting than the Lantus. You could then use it to correct your high sugars and possibly at meals if needed, just until you get better.
I was thinking very same thing, but I wasn't sure about its use with type 2 diabetes. Sounds like a good idea to me, it will be interesting if this is ever used or used in some situations like this one.
Thank you for the reassurance, I certainly need it at the moment. I will mention that about changing the insulin
I’d be quite politely pushy about help in getting those sugars down. I wonder if they’d give you a fast/bolus insulin? That would help and is shorter acting than the Lantus. You could then use it to correct your high sugars and possibly at meals if needed, just until you get better.
I've just phoned the diabetes centre back as I still haven't heard anything and they have said it can take up to 48 hours to get a call back. I've already tried my doctors and 111 but no one will do anything about my insulin they just say I need to speak to my diabetic nurse
Hopefully it will be before 48hrs @Kellie1981* Did they mention you increasing your Lantus if needed? Are your blood sugars high all day and night?
They have just phoned and I'm to increase the lantus by 2 to 4 units every couple of days until it settles down again. Yes they are high day and night

Well, that’s good news that you’ve got advice 🙂 Hopefully the increased insulin will work and get your blood sugars a bit lower. You’ll be surprised how much more yourself you feel with in range blood sugars.
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