Covid and type 1 (type 1.5)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone . 2 members of my extended family &now , my daughter in law have Covid (type not known). We've tested for the first outbreak and are 10 days ok. My D-I -L tested positive today. We saw her Boxing Day 26th at our home. I only have 3 tests left. We are trying to get more.
My query
  • How serious is or, what is serious about Covid, to me. Type 1 - type 1 1/2 - on 1000 metformin only . Awaiting hospital appt.
Control is good Avr for past 14 days 6.9 LOWEST 4.8. Highest (3x) 9. 3. One 12.
Yesterday and today I'm trying normal diet. ok readings
Hi everyone . 2 members of my extended family &now , my daughter in law have Covid (type not known). We've tested for the first outbreak and are 10 days ok. My D-I -L tested positive today. We saw her Boxing Day 26th at our home. I only have 3 tests left. We are trying to get more.
My query
  • How serious is or, what is serious about Covid, to me. Type 1 - type 1 1/2 - on 1000 metformin only . Awaiting hospital appt.
Control is good Avr for past 14 days 6.9 LOWEST 4.8. Highest (3x) 9. 3. One 12.
Yesterday and today I'm trying normal diet. ok readings
Any illness, and especially Covid, can make your glucose levels rise. If you don’t have the wherewithal to keep them under control, they can quickly spiral to a point where you start producing ketones. This is the dangerous bit. Do you have any means of testing for them? If you don’t have ketones strips for your meter, or any ketostix (the ones you dip in your urine) the best thing would be to buy a pot of ketostix from a pharmacy, they are relatively cheap and available over the counter. If your glucose levels rise into double figures and won’t come down, and you start seeing positive ketone levels, you need to seek medical help quickly, and I mean A& E, not just 111 where you might take hours to get a reply or a call back. An A & E department can give you insulin to bring levels down, via a drip if necessary, and they are used to dealing with high blood sugar emergencies like this.
Hi Robin thanks for the info. Sounds scary. Would it help if I store low carb foods in my freezer in readiness for keeping readings low. That may not work. It might be the virus doing the damage.
I will phone my local pharmacist and book some ketostix. We have just obtained a testing kit from there . I'll book another one .
My first test was 18.3 its now average 6.9. My main blood test was 56 5 m ago . now 38.
Hi Robin thanks for the info. Sounds scary. Would it help if I store low carb foods in my freezer in readiness for keeping readings low. That may not work. It might be the virus doing the damage.
I will phone my local pharmacist and book some ketostix. We have just obtained a testing kit from there . I'll book another one .
My first test was 18.3 its now average 6.9. My main blood test was 56 5 m ago . now 38.
Yes, you're right, it will be the body's response to the virus when it releases more glucose from the liver to give the body energy to gear up the immune system. It might be sensible not to fan the flames though, by eating anything you know normally causes a spike in your glucose levels, so you don’t get a double whammy. So having something available that you know your body can normally cope with would be prudent.
I'm only quoting worst case scenario, btw, your body may cope fine with the virus, with no rise in BGs.
If you have had three jabs, reasonably well controlled blood sugars and not overly overweight, the risks of severe Covid are low. (The risks for women is also lower than for men but that's not something we can change.)
However, no one knows how it will effect them until (or if ) they get it.
As Robin mentioned, be prepared for the worst case scenario with knowledge of sick day rules.
In addition, we have stocked up on paracetamol as that is the recommended home treatment. As my partner cannot swallow tablets, we have a couple of boxes of LemSip because it contains paracetamol.
Hi many thanks for both posts. I m pretty well controlled !!! And weigh 8st. 50Kg ? When i go to pharmacy to collect stix, & testing kit, I'll stock up on paracetamol. I can't take anything with aspirin in it. I also take medically prescribed herbal medicine (no colds , coughs , flu for 7 yrs) . Ive also had the 3 jabs. Todays test was negative. In the US I'd only have 3 days to go !! plus 2 days in a mask.
When a body is under stress, can be physical such as an illness, or mental, the hypothalamus gland secretes a hormone which pushes the adrenal gland to produce Cortisol hormone. Cortisol is a natural steroid and all steroids raise BGs. Hence when you are ill and the body is under stress your BGs rise. Hope this helps.
Thanks Patti . Interesting to hear. My sons sis in law is almost out of isolation So we are out of trouble on that score. However we saw my daughter in law on Boxing Day. She went down with Covid yesterday. So taking care but probably not in line of fire.
At some stage someone we pass in the street or who wants to deliver a parcel for X or Y but they're out, will breath germs or virus particles towards us. We will either breath them in and catch whatever - or we won't.

Somebody breathed germs at my husband, who has a chest infection. The most likely breathed em at me too, but I haven't caught whatever and even if I did I probably wouldn't need ABs and steroids to get rid of it.

None of us can isolate ourselves form everyone else for ever, so as long as we don't do anything reckless and have done all we can ie had 2 jabs and a booster, masks in shops etc. we need to stop being bloomin scared and get on with living.
None of us can isolate ourselves form everyone else for ever, so as long as we don't do anything reckless and have done all we can ie had 2 jabs and a booster, masks in shops etc. we need to stop being bloomin scared and get on with living.
I sort of agree, in that I've been continuing to do the things I most care about (well, the one thing: dancing tango socially).

I tend to agree more with SAGE than the government: we're in a lull for likely a few months, with Omicron and summer. But we're not at anything like a stable state, and that might take 2-10 years, with waves of variants of varying severity. Likely none of them will be really serious (now that most of us are vaccinated), but some may be. I'm fully expecting to be wearing a mask in crowded situations (except for tango) for a few years.
At the minute I'm 3 days in to covid and feel not to bad. Had all my jabs and so far getting away with just aches, chills , a tickly throat and stuffed upness. Slight headaches here and there but very tired. So sleeping alot. I am very lucky as a cold for me is much worse than this. Seems bizzare but for me my blood sugars are being rather good. Just hope I can stay like this. Good luck with your experience.
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