COVID and Diabetes.

Bedford 1

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Tested positive for Covid yesterday. Unwell for a few days before. Feeling tired all the time and not wanting to eat or drink anything. Anyone know how long this could last? Wondering if it’s the COVID or diabetes that is making me feel this way.
Tested positive for Covid yesterday. Unwell for a few days before. Feeling tired all the time and not wanting to eat or drink anything. Anyone know how long this could last? Wondering if it’s the COVID or diabetes that is making me feel this way.
What are your blood glucose levels like?
Tested positive for Covid yesterday. Unwell for a few days before. Feeling tired all the time and not wanting to eat or drink anything. Anyone know how long this could last? Wondering if it’s the COVID or diabetes that is making me feel this way.
I think it affects people in different ways, all I had was a tickly cough which made me test but otherwise was perfectly fine, still was testing positive though for 10 days.
My other half did feel worse than me for a few days.
Yeah. I have had it twice. Both times I just had a sniffle.
The second time, my partner caught it off me. He was laid up for a week, barely moving from bed for the first couple of days.
Based on this, it is hard to believe he is a very healthy guy with no known medical conditions who regularly cycles.
The only hint that he might get it worse than me was our reactions to the vaccines. Apart from lower BG for 24 hours, I was fine. He had shakes and a cold sweat throughout the night after every covid jab and he “tried” most of them.
Yeah. I have had it twice. Both times I just had a sniffle.
The second time, my partner caught it off me. He was laid up for a week, barely moving from bed for the first couple of days.
Based on this, it is hard to believe he is a very healthy guy with no known medical conditions who regularly cycles.
The only hint that he might get it worse than me was our reactions to the vaccines. Apart from lower BG for 24 hours, I was fine. He had shakes and a cold sweat throughout the night after every covid jab and he “tried” most of them.
Could you elaborate regarding your partner? So far I’ve not caught “it.” Let alone test positive? Though I have had one dose of vaccine from the program giving mild “grief” at work the following day.
Could you elaborate regarding your partner? So far I’ve not caught “it.” Let alone test positive? Though I have had one dose of vaccine from the program giving mild “grief” at work the following day.
What sort of elaboration do you want?
His medical history? His COVID reaction? Something else?
I got Covid last October and whilst I tested positive for well over 2 weeks, it was mostly just like a mild cold for a few days although I did have a flare up of asthma in early December, which I am certain was down to the virus. I hadn't taken my inhalers for years but I was pleased to still have them when it hit! Fully recovered though within a few weeks and back to not needing inhalers. I was up to date with my Covid vaccine as I got the booster in September 2023.

My partner got Covid in early April and it laid him out for a week. He is normally really tough and I have never known him take to his bed, but he had 3 days of spending about 18 hours a day sleeping and had no interest in anything when he was awake and apparently felt really rough. Not sure if it is relevant but he skipped his booster at the end of the summer 2023 and so hadn't been vaccinated for more than a year. He does react to the vaccine/booster by feeling a bit achy and washed out for a day or two (plus he doesn't like needles) which is why he skipped it, but he may think twice about that policy this year.
I had it a couple of weeks ago , felt more like a heavy cold. Sugar levels were running a lot higher so had to change my ratios and do more correction doses but once the infection went levels returned to normal
What sort of elaboration do you want?
His medical history? His COVID reaction? Something else?
Your partner is entitled to their own privacy. However. Any particular brand of jab causing the issue? I was OK till they changed the vaccine. Tested negative. But feel your partner’s “pain” though I kept working. Hard slog.
Your partner is entitled to their own privacy. However. Any particular brand of jab causing the issue? I was OK till they changed the vaccine. Tested negative. But feel your partner’s “pain” though I kept working. Hard slog.
He had AZ, Pfizer and Moderna with the same reaction to all of them.
Tested positive for Covid yesterday. Unwell for a few days before. Feeling tired all the time and not wanting to eat or drink anything. Anyone know how long this could last? Wondering if it’s the COVID or diabetes that is making me feel this way.
I had COVID June 2022 and felt really washed out for about 2 weeks - ended up being prescribed antibiotics as GP thought it must be a chest infection secondary to the COVID that meant I wasn't getting better though my chest didn't sound too bad. I have mild asthma and wasn't taking preventer inhaler at the time. I was then diagnosed with type 2 approximately 2 months later (routine health check) so have wondered since if it was actually the diabetes that slowed my recovery
The first time we got it (Oct 2021) we didn’t even known we had it when we tested positive but did as we would have been travelling to see someone with a weaker immune system. The second time (Dec 2022) our daughter didn’t get it this time and both me and my husband were in bed for at least a week. I actually came down with in on Christmas Day and was in my pyjamas at 8pm whilst those we were with had a party. We had time off for Christmas and basically slept and did nothing. Took us both ages to get back to our normal level of energy etc

Hope you’ve beaten it now
Finally had a negative test Saturday. Still just wanting to sleep all the time. I have a major neurological condition which doesn’t help. Had all the vaccines, still managed to catch it. Wondering if we will ever be free from it.
Finally had a negative test Saturday. Still just wanting to sleep all the time. I have a major neurological condition which doesn’t help. Had all the vaccines, still managed to catch it. Wondering if we will ever be free from it.
I think it will be around forever like flu and the common cold.