Covid 19 and remission

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am at week 5 of the Newcastle diet (800 cal a day), blood sugar fasting readings had dropped from 8 sometimes 10 in the morning to 5. All going well until I got covid. Simple question, does covid cause your blood sugar to rise as I am now getting morning readings of between 7 and 8 and have been told to go back to medication (2 x 30mg PR glic). What's happening?!

p.s. I am 62, 6'5" and have so far dropped from 101kg to 91kg
I am at week 5 of the Newcastle diet (800 cal a day), blood sugar fasting readings had dropped from 8 sometimes 10 in the morning to 5. All going well until I got covid. Simple question, does covid cause your blood sugar to rise as I am now getting morning readings of between 7 and 8 and have been told to go back to medication (2 x 30mg PR glic). What's happening?!

p.s. I am 62, 6'5" and have so far dropped from 101kg to 91kg
Any infection can cause blood glucose to go up but it is usually only temporary. Have you still got Covid or was it some time ago.
There are people who have been diagnosed as diabetic after having Covid so it can have significant impact.
Morning reading of 7-8 are not all that bad if your before and after meal readings are OK.
Any infection can cause blood glucose to go up but it is usually only temporary. Have you still got Covid or was it some time ago.
There are people who have been diagnosed as diabetic after having Covid so it can have significant impact.
Morning reading of 7-8 are not all that bad if your before and after meal readings are OK.
Hi, yes I still have covid...after meal readings (I say meal, it is an Optimist shake) and taken 2 hours after eating are about 11 so not good
Hi, yes I still have covid...after meal readings (I say meal, it is an Optimist shake) and taken 2 hours after eating are about 11 so not good
What was it before you got Covid.
Sorry to hear you have caught it, you are the first person in ages I have heard that has succumbed.
What was it before you got Covid.
Sorry to hear you have caught it, you are the first person in ages I have heard that has succumbed.
thank you. I was getting morning readings of 5 and post meal about 7 so clearly covid has had an impact
Illness and infection can certainly raise BG levels (as can some medications).

Hopefully things will settle back down for you once Covid has passed (though I think some on the forum found that raised BG from Covid took a long time to return to more expected levels - @rebrascora were you someone who mentioned this?)
Illness and infection can certainly raise BG levels (as can some medications).

Hopefully things will settle back down for you once Covid has passed (though I think some on the forum found that raised BG from Covid took a long time to return to more expected levels - @rebrascora were you someone who mentioned this?)
Hi, No, you are slightly mistaken in that I am actually one of the remaining few in the population to have ducked and dodged the Covid virus, but it was the first vaccine which seemed to trigger increased BG levels for me which warranted increased basal insulin doses. It was however within my honeymoon period, so whether the vaccine triggered my immune system to kill off of my remaining beta cells or they were on their way out anyway, I don't know, but my basal needs stabilized at that higher level and have been there + or - a few units for exercise ever since and that is 2 years ago so pretty much a stable and permanent situation.... as much as anything is with diabetes. 🙄
Ah! Thanks for clarifying @rebrascora - I just had a vague recollection between something covid-y and your BG. :rofl:

Congrats on dodging the lurgy so far!
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