Counting Carbs.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, as well as potato, rice, bread, (All the obvious higher carb foods) should I be counting the carbs in green vegetables carrots etc and what, in your opinion should my intake of carbs be per meal, at three meals a day Please?
thanks in advance.
I counted everything until I was sure I had a menu I could cope with.
That is the key, there is not a magic amount of carbs which works for everyone so having a cheap to use meter and checking your glucose levels after eating is likely to give the best results.
Hi , Leafy green veg is generally so low in carbs as not to be worth counting, but all below ground root veg need to be counted especially carrots and parsnips since they not only have starches but are fairly sweet too.
Tropical fruit is usually a problem as are all fruit juices. Some like me can't manage to eat an apple without spiking my Blood Glucose (we are all different as to which carby food affects us most), but generally berries are OK so straw, black, rasp and blue berries.
Hi , Leafy green veg is generally so low in carbs as not to be worth counting, but all below ground root veg need to be counted especially carrots and parsnips since they not only have starches but are fairly sweet too.
Tropical fruit is usually a problem as are all fruit juices. Some like me can't manage to eat an apple without spiking my Blood Glucose (we are all different as to which carby food affects us most), but generally berries are OK so straw, black, rasp and blue berries.
Thank you Ian, yes I am beginning to realise just how different everyone’s dietary needs seem to be, patience and perseverance and regular testing and recording then!

I was very much like you massive on potatoes and bread.

Me personally, I try keep my carbs around 70g or so a day. This is mainly from the 1 piece of Burgen bread and my two daily salads, which include carrot and usually grilled chicken or fish, but lately lamb kebabs.

The reason why I do not do exact carb counting is that I was on 300g carbs plus a day about 3 weeks ago and slow steady is the way forward for me, I do not have the carb cravings but also enjoy my food, so am happy to stay where I am, in fact, have also lost about 6kg in weight!

Although, not sure though if the 70g carbs a day will be sustainable when I start to exercise or go out with family to restaurants
Thank you Ian, yes I am beginning to realise just how different everyone’s dietary needs seem to be, patience and perseverance and regular testing and recording then!
You got it, testing before then around 2hrs after meal is the only way to get what does or does not work for you. 80 to 100g carbs works for me but no spuds/Pasta for me but got round the bread problem by making my own Keto bread so menu is very different but nice, exercise is key, for me, it balances everything out so I get no big jumps in readings.
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You got it, testing before then around 2hrs after meal is the only way to get what does or does not work for you. 80 to 100g carbs works for me but no spuds/Pasta for me but got round the bread problem by making my own Keto bread so menu is very different but nice, exercise is key, for me, it balances everything out so I get no big jumps in readings.
What’s the recipe for your Keto bread?
What’s the recipe for your Keto bread?

By hand and so very easy, looks weird before baking but comes out good after baked, this one is dense in texture but tasty.

This one for bread maker on basic setting, a little more involved with ingrediency but lovely crust and light in texture, I cut mine down the middle turn over then cut each half into slices, let it cool then freeze if you wish so I freeze half and keep the other in fridge.

This one is amazing.
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