Could low blood sugar trigger other health issues like chest pain?

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had my first low blood sugar last night.

I've been diabetic for xx years now and haven't had a really low blood sugar. Not enough for symptoms anyway, and the closest I ever got before last night was immediately corrected. My main problem is having too many high blood sugars.

Last night it dropped to 55.

I had the usual symptoms but my other disabilities seemed to act up too. I was having some chest pains and difficultly breathing, and also fatigue that normally goes with my heart problems. I also had some other symptoms that go with my more recently diagnosed condition. Because of that I wasn't entirely sure if it was a low blood sugar because I've never had one before. I just waited on the nurse to check since it was getting close to when my vitals and blood sugar were supposed to be checked. When she told me my blood sugar was low, I knew what had been going on.
I am not sure about chest pains but I find low BG magnifies any other aches pains and illnesses I have at the time.
Currently, I have a broken arm and my hypo awareness is greater than usual because I have an extra symptom, achy arm, to look out for.
Hello, I hope you are feeling better now after your low? What I do know is my low symptoms can feel like a fairground ride. A sort of exilleration? No chest pains but I would imagine my BP could rise.
Hello, I hope you are feeling better now after your low? What I do know is my low symptoms can feel like a fairground ride. A sort of exilleration? No chest pains but I would imagine my BP could rise.
I don't know about BP but I have had a couple of hypos while wearing a heart rate monitor and noticed my BG was lower. I wasn't able to get into the heart rate zone I was aiming (and usually achieve at that intensity of exercise) for as my BG was plummeting.
I'm not sure having low sugar increases the risk of things such as chest pains @ElizabethMcCallister but as for other pains it can should be grateful it didn't go any lower than 55..or you would be in real trouble.
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Unfortunately, I've begun to notice redness as well, accompanied by increasing pain.

Ok, so it’s good you’re in hospital as the nurse can take a look at it.
Have you also had your pump/sensor checked? Why didn’t the alarm sound when you had your low? And why is your blood sugar usually high if you’re on a loop?

And what are your other disabilities? They might be relevant. Why are you in hospital?