Could a type 1 re-grow their own pancreas cells?

Amity Island

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Could a person with Type 1 diabetes re-grow their own pancreas? A San Antonio study is about to find out.

It’s a national study at several sites, including San Antonio — thank God — where they have a compound they’re working on that will make the pancreas potentially grow its insulin cells back,” Schwartz said. “And it’s never been done before.”​

Schwartz and his team are investigating if an injection of the compound could allow patients’ own bodies to repair their damaged pancreas.

If it works, the study could be a major step in finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes.​

Well y'know we live in hope about such things but I have to say I really wonder why the body's immune system won't just attack the new Beta cells same as it did the old ones - and yeah I did read the bit that said the whatever would try and help the pancreas 'grow back and protect the new cells' but I didn't know part of my pancreas has actually been completely obliterated. Only my Beta cells - or specifically - the Islets of Langerhans within them.
I saw a presentation by Prof John Pickup many years ago that described exactly that @trophywench - there was research going on into ‘nano encapsulation’ of beta cells to protect them from resurgent autoimmune attack.

I think it’s one of the reasons for immunosupressants after beta-cell transplants. Do that the transplanted beta cells don’t just get splatted again.

There are also the Joslin institute medallists who show continued cPeptide and diabetes antibodies after decades, suggesting that there’s an ongoing ebb and flow of beta cell regrowth and destruction.

I’m continually irked by journalists and reporters feeling it necessary to describe every single research project, technological tweak, or therapy as a “world first” “never been done before” 🙄
Or they could tweak the immune system so it didn’t recognise the beta cells anymore. Then they could grow back without being attacked. Helpfully (not!) I still have antibodies years after diagnosing, sitting there waiting to kill off any beta cells brave enough to regrow 🙄
I haven't the slightest idea about what if any antibodies I ever had nor the slightest idea what tests might have been done.
I read this and I found incredibly fascinating.It will be interesting to see the results of this San Antonio Type one diabetes study...We all live in hope that it's a major breakthrough in the fight against T1D don't we?
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I read this and I found incredibly interesting.It will be interesting to see the results of this San Antonio Type one diabetes study...We all live in hope that it's a major breakthrough in the fight against T1D don't we?
It would be amazing, even better than the potential smart insulins currently being trialled.
And no more tedious carb counting and Maths before every meal or snack, or having to take a whole bag of associated stuff out with you on a country stroll or a visit to a shopping centre!
And no more tedious carb counting and Maths before every meal or snack, or having to take a whole bag of associated stuff out with you on a country stroll or a visit to a shopping centre!
Inka, can you imagine it. Waking for the first time and never reaching for your insulin. Not bothered how you lay in bed (pressing on the libre sensor), never having another hypo ever again.

Oohh, I could crush a grape! Lol

Would be better than winning a golden ticket to see Willy Wonka. Ha ha
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And no more tedious carb counting and Maths before every meal or snack, or having to take a whole bag of associated stuff out with you on a country stroll or a visit to a shopping centre!

Yeah but your handbag will still be full of bits & pieces if my wife's is anything to go by, it's one of life's mysteries whats in a woman's handbag.

Just imagine all that drawer space in bedroom without all that diabetes equipment, little things you could get excited about lol
And no more tedious carb counting and Maths before every meal or snack, or having to take a whole bag of associated stuff out with you on a country stroll or a visit to a shopping centre!
@nonethewiser @rebrascora @Inka

I'm just trying to work out if it would be a yippee and just forget all about it, without another thought about diabetes, or would it be a yippee and then take time to readjust to being free of diabetes?
I reckon I’d be back into non-diabetic life very, very quickly @Amity Island I do think I’d still do occasional blood glucose tests though, which would reduce over time as I realised that it was a real, lasting cure.
I mentioned on the forum once, that one day I got up and completely forgot I had diabetes, almost like it was a day before I was diagnosed. Fair to say, I'd soon get back into the swing of things without the diabetes.