Coughs & Colds

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Anyone notice it takes longer to get rid of coughs and colds? Jo seems to get loads and they take an age to get rid of!
I find, if I can manage my blood sugars (illness makes it less predictable), I am ill no more often than others, no worse and for no less time.
For example, my nose started running on Sunday evening. Monday was a full day of “snot letting”. By Tuesday, I was on the mend and, on Wednesday, I was back at the gym. Meanwhile, the colleague I caught this from (who does not have diabetes) is still feeling “rubbish”.

But, as is often said, We Are All Different.
I can't remember the last time I had a cold.
Even CovId was just a runny nose.
It probably means I'm due a 'big one'. I had Flu during a pandemic a few years back and it's like a week has gone missing. I was hallucinating and thought the moon was sending me signals!
I haven't had a bad cold in years and I used to get at least one real snorter every year, where I streamed for well over a week, so I actually seem to be better since I was diagnosed, but maybe that is because I am more health conscious.
Anyone notice it takes longer to get rid of coughs and colds? Jo seems to get loads and they take an age to get rid of!
As your daughter is a little lass, I wonder if it's a case of catching anything and everything one after the other and not just the one bug taking ages to recover from.
The better her numbers are the easier it is to recover from things. It's a lot easier to say that then achieve with a little one so all you can do is carrying on the best you can which you are doing now 🙂
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Anyone notice it takes longer to get rid of coughs and colds? Jo seems to get loads and they take an age to get rid of!
Not me, but many people i know, if they get a cough it just won't shift. All are on two to three courses of anti-biotics. Still waiting for their cough to go.
Get colds but seem to recover quickly from them, never seems to go on chest so usually just head cold.
I usually get 2 or 3 colds a year, and since diagnosis this hasn't really changed. In fact I had a cold a few weeks back, following the same pattern as always - starting off with a sore throat, then the nose gets blocked/runny. It lasted for about 4 days, which is normal for me. Often it's just the blocked nose that can linger for weeks afterwards, but this is perfectly normal for me and doesn't seem to have been worsened by the diabetes.

I do find that my sugars are more difficult to control when I'm ill though, and they tend to stay on the high side. This is also an indicator that I have an incoming cold as well, because for a few days before it kicks off, my sugars usually run higher than normal. Not sure how common/uncommon that is.
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