Cough bottle recommendation

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,

Have been up most of the night with a tickly throaty cough (cant shake this cold virus) can anyone recommend a good cough bottle.

There are so many I'm not sure which one to suggest. I find it helpful to chat to the pharmacist as he will help you choose one that also wont affect your medication.

In the mean time, I find hot sugar free orange squash and hot sugar free blackcurrant helps.

I hope you feel better soon, there are a lot of viruses doing the rounds and nearly everyone in my office has a cough, cold or the sniffles.
Good idea from caroline asking the pharmacist will be best i usually do, they know better then me what i can take without it effecting my BS or id hope so lol x

Get well soon x
Personally, I don't buy cough medicine, but do use hot drinks eg lemon & ginger tea, sometimes with honey and / or whisky added (depending on driving / time of day etc) or gargle with hot salty water (particularly for a sore throat) or use normal boiled sweets (1 or 2 don't affect my blood sugar, but more may need more insulin). Obviously, everyone reacts differently to sugar and / or infections.
Might as well ask pharmacist (might be female, Caroline!) if / when you go to chemist to buy something.
cough medicine

Hi All,

Have been up most of the night with a tickly throaty cough (cant shake this cold virus) can anyone recommend a good cough bottle.


Hi Cazscot,

I was told not to waste my money on cough medicines they do very little to destroys the germs best to flush out germs by drinking lots of fluids and (sounds revolting) when you cough spit into hanky to bring the germ up instead of swallowing it again because it is then going back into your chest. I am only getting rid of mine after 8 weeks. The other cough medicine if you really want to get one begins with Robituson not too sure of name but it is for Diabetics.

Hope you feel well again soon

Hope you get betta soon Caz, my daughter has had same thing and is still a bit rough round the edges!

I always find hot sugar free blackcurrant good and is comforting too 🙂
Thanks Everyone, decided not to bother buying a cough bottle once I saw the price 😱... Have just been soothing it with hot drinks and trying to drink lots of water.
Thanks Everyone, decided not to bother buying a cough bottle once I saw the price 😱... Have just been soothing it with hot drinks and trying to drink lots of water.
Hi Cazscot
I used to cough a lot, so I've tried every cough medicine I could buy over the counter. None really worked. The only thing worked for me was, Fisherman's Friend......tastes awful, but I could stop coughing only with this.
Hi Cazscot
I used to cough a lot, so I've tried every cough medicine I could buy over the counter. None really worked. The only thing worked for me was, Fisherman's Friend......tastes awful, but I could stop coughing only with this.

When I was at school we used to have FF eating competitions to see who could eat the most in one go! 😱 And 'Victory Vs' and 'Imps'. These days I find Hall's extra strength mentholyptus (sugar-free) work well for me, although they ruin the taste of anything you eat or drink afterwards!
I don't take cough medicine to cure a cold but I am a fan of both Obas oil and Vicks Vaporub for help clear my passageways when I have a cold. In fact I do sometimes put some Vicks on the chest of my t-shirt to help me breathe when I am exercising, it is one of the few practical tips I have learnt from all the time I have spent watching professional football.
Thanks Everyone, decided not to bother buying a cough bottle once I saw the price 😱... Have just been soothing it with hot drinks and trying to drink lots of water.

That's what I would do too cazscot, never been a great believer in cough medicines and prefer a good hot drink and a couple of paracetamol every-time. Toby.
suposedly cough bottles dont even work but I highly reccomend night nurse capsules for night time obviously lol but only use these when I have a real bad cold and loads of hot well warm water for a tickly cough..... I hate a tickly cough haha nowt worse! 😉
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