Cough again

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
How do I convince everyone that the doctor can't give medicine for a virus? This cough has been hanging on for ages, but it is just a virus. Hot drinks help, and standing in a steamy shower helps, but I can't be in the shower all day.

Everyone is nagging to get something from the doctor for the cough, but he says he can't treat a virus and no one will believe me. The nagging of others is far worse than the cough could ever be and is making me feel ten times worse...

I've been following my own advice, plenty of fluids, avoiding things that will make me cough, keeping occupied and active.

Thanks for listening and being here and thanks for letting me have a moan, it helps immensly.
Hi Caroline

I thought the treatment for any viral thing was a course of anti biotic tablets? Could be wrong. Hope it improves
Unfortunately antibiotics wont work on anything viral. Antibiotics work on the bateria that cause things like chest infections and tonsilitis, but not on colds or the coughs that follow.

I'm sure the cough will get better when everyone else stops nagging.
Hi Caroline

How long is it since you saw the doc? if it's been a while then it might be worth a revisit because you can sometimes develop a secondary bacterial infection if the respiritory tract becomes inflamed with coughing.
A couple of weeks since I last saw doc. He gave me the same old advice, plenty of fluids and rest....
I think I would be inclined to go back if there's been no improvement after 2 weeks Caroline. A wee post virus chest infection could have set in.
SOmeone suggested it might be an allergy, I'll go back and see the doctor. Also seeing works Occupational Health Advisor next week.
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