costs help

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
one of the nurses at our local hospital has started a diabetic group that meets once a month which will help alot i am looking forward to it the first meeting is the 21st

i learned thru her that if you go to your local doctors office they have forms you can fill out if you made under a certain amount per year you can get help with medications or get them free i am going to apply

i was on lyrcia which cost 82.97 pounds a month and i got where i could not afford that plus everything else it adds up fast

i do not know why the doctors do not tell people stuff like this i have been going to him for about two years now and he never told me anything about the program

maybe this info will help others
Mary, can I ask where you are based? Here in the UK people on medication for diabetes get all their medications and supplies provided free on the National Health Service.

I hope that your meeting goes well on the 21st - there is nothing better for your morale than meeting others in similar circumstances and being able to talk freely about the ups and downs of diabetes 🙂
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My docotor is useless ay giving out information like that too. The practice nurse sorted out my medical exemption application for me, and I ask her or the receptionist for any other information I need.

Everyone in the UK on medication for diabetes is entitled to free prescriptions as is anyone over the age of 60, and a few other medical conditions, but I'm not sure which ones.
From the back of a handy FP10 (green prescription) i can tell you you can get free prescritions if you're:
Under 16 or under 18 and in full time education,
in recipt of an army pension,
have an HC2 charges certificate (whatever that is...i'm not sure i've ever seen one),
are on income support, income related employment and support allowance or income based jobseekers allowance,
have an NHS tax exemption certificate
have PCGC
or have (ermmm, let me see)
diabetes that isn't controlled by diet and exercise alone (1 or 2)
over active thyroid
epilepsy that you need regular medication for
myesthenia gravis (a rare neuromuscular problem)
a perminant stoma of fistula
(possibly more but i forget)
which mean you can apply for a medical exemption certificate
You can also get pre-payment certificates
insulin costs

thanks everyone

i am in us

i was mad about this because i have been going to this doctor for several years now and he could have told me all this before now would have saved me alot

it just seems like sometimes the drs do not care and do not want to take the time to tell you about items that would help you out

do not have insurance and anything i can get help on i will take

the cost just keep going up and up

i guess i should not have posted but was very very mad

thanks again i hope i do not ask too many questions
We're happy to see your posts Mary! Sorry to hear of the situation you find yourself in, I hope you can find a programme that will help you get the care you need.
Mary, you're very welcome here, but most of us know very little about health systems and costs in USA. Still, some insulins (generally older ones and vials rather than cartridges) are cheaper than others in most countries.
Under active thyroid is another condition - have been on free meds for years.

Mary, keep coming on here, it is good to hear from people outside the UK. My brother is in the US and waiting for a liver transplant. He thought he had really good medical insurance but ... there is a cap.

Can you get your prescription in batches? I remember when I lived in Canada and was not earning very much that I could buy my meds a box at a time. Talk to your pharmacy and see if they can help or suggest cheaper alternatives.
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