cortisone injection and diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi im going to have cortisone injection in my shoulder and if that goes ok , then my knees , what im asking is , has anyone had them , I believe they are very painful but worth it ! andddddddd how will it affect my diabetes ? told doc i had diabetes 2 , but he didnt seem intrested , my sugar readings tend to be high and im wondering if they will affect my sugar readings ? ta lol:D
Hubby had cortisone in his knees for osteoarthritis. He didn't say it hurt and the effects lasted quite a long time.
I had cortisone injections in my lower back, didn't affect my Diabetes, a bit painful for an hour or two after the jab and eased my pain for a couple of months until my next jab!! however, cortisone injections for my back were not a cure and just a form of pain relief, I found running helped my lower back pain more as it strengthened the supporting muscles for my back, only problem was motivating myself to run!! :D
I am going for an epidural into my back at 12.30pm, I have had them twice before and the cortisone has always put my blood sugars up for a few days and then it returns to normal. They inject you with a local anaesthetic before putting the injection in, well they do in your back.
I had a cortisone injection into my (tennis) elbow about 3 months ago, didn't hurt, although the doctor said he would have to move the needle around once under the skin. Have a very slight loss of skin colour in that area, which I was told might happen, not at all bothered, just glad to have use of my elbow back!
I have had them in my shoulder and I have hav a epidural in my neck a bit painfull but worth it it dident bother my sugar levels I was fine
Thank you all for replies ,, unfortunally , im sortof partially disabled , cant do much excersise , i was swimming 4 times a week until recently , that sort of kept my readings down , ive got joint and shoulder probs and been seeing phyisio last 2 months , so had to stop the swimming.
gettin a cortisone injection soon and doc refering me to hydro therepy to get me back to swimming ,so in meantime ,no excersise persisting pain isnt helping my diabetes . Im going to try drinking more water ,, ta ! :D ohh and cut my foods down lol
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