Correction Values


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Is it common for a correction value to double at night?

For the last few months ive noticed that a half unit of novorapid if i need it at bed time is bringing me down by approx 3mmol instead of 1.5 mmol as it should during the day and evening meals.

Is it actually the novorpaid or is it the levemir doubling it? Its interesting because this is happening between 11pm and 2am at night and my lunchtime bolus ratio is 50% lower than my breakfast and I’m pretty sure that's because my morning levemir dose is having the same action 12 hours earlier. I know from basal tests in the past (not now though as I can’t afford not to eat an actual meal) that I do have a steepish drop at lunchtime from the basal once the bolus has worn off. 2 mmol sometimes 3 in an hour.
Sounds normal to me @gillrogers My correction factor varies during the day but at night 1 unit will bring me down around 8mmol, sometimes more, whereas during the day it’s 4mmol, with the morning (ie first thing) more like 3mmol.
I certainly have had that from time to time. My insulin sensitivity seems to ebb and flow from season to season, and year to year. But there was certainly a period where any remaining iob at bedtime (not even a new correction) dropped my gently pootling BG off a cliff as soon as I was asleep.

Diabetes is weird.
Sounds normal to me @gillrogers My correction factor varies during the day but at night 1 unit will bring me down around 8mmol, sometimes more, whereas during the day it’s 4mmol, with the morning (ie first thing) more like 3mmol.
Thanks Inka, I was hoping that was going to be a “normal possible thing” as I don’t want to change the levemir night dose.
I certainly have had that from time to time. My insulin sensitivity seems to ebb and flow from season to season, and year to year. But there was certainly a period where any remaining iob at bedtime (not even a new correction) dropped my gently pootling BG off a cliff as soon as I was asleep.

Diabetes is weird.
Yes I want to get lower at night and don’t really want to change the levemir dose but find that my evening meal ratio can be hit or miss so this tip helps.