Correcting blood sugars

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was at the clinic the other day and they’ve basically said that I’m over correcting, which I know is probably right.

They’ve told me to try and wait to correct with mealtime bolus. But for example, what if I’m not hungry or what if it’s just before bedtime? What if I’m not due a meal and I’m sitting high? I can’t not correct that!!

Is that when the background basal needs adjusted?
@Oliviag23 Can you give an example of a high - what blood glucose and what time? Are you correcting before your bolus insulin has a chance to work fully? If so, waiting until your next meal is best. If you want to skip that meal, you can steal correct at that meal time.

I’m always very cautious about correcting at bedtime. I’m ultra-sensitive to insulin then. I always aim for a higher number and less correction than I would during the day.

No, I wouldn’t correct a high with a basal change normally. If the high is due to a carb miscalculation or illness, say, I’d correct with a bolus. Are you on a pump? Why do you think your basal might need adjusting? When did you last do a basal test?
I was 20 the other night long after my dinner and I was going to bed. I can’t not correct that. I had done a workout at about 4pm and had dinner and stayed steady until bedtime when I went to 20. The hospital don’t want me correcting all the time but I can’t wait until my next meal time which would have been breakfast to correct when I was 20
or tonight I was 16 but I wasn’t due a meal, sl does that mean I’ve to sit at 16 until I’m next due to eat? I think I’m too obsessive when I’m over 7 and I start to panic lol
I would perhaps email your DSN to discuss your ratios and graphs as your carb ratios maybe out and even your basal.
I too wouldn’t not correct if I was at 20 or 16 unless I was going to eat soon. Considering you ate and then later went to 20 suggests an incorrect insulin dosage for the food.
However, personally and I maybe wrong here, I don’t see an issue in immediately correcting and then sometime later like an hour bolusing separately for the food I’m about to eat. I wouldn’t wait an hour at 20 until I next eat to correct + bolus for food.
Interested to hear the views of others.
I was 20 the other night long after my dinner and I was going to bed. I can’t not correct that. I had done a workout at about 4pm and had dinner and stayed steady until bedtime when I went to 20. The hospital don’t want me correcting all the time but I can’t wait until my next meal time which would have been breakfast to correct when I was 20

What time did you have dinner and what was your blood sugar before you ate? What time did you shoot up to 20? Was that verified with a fingerprick?

You’re 16 now? Is this common - shooting up high at bedtime?
I seem to go high at night after doing exercise at about 4pm, with a temp basal on. Blood sugar before food the other night was 8.0 , I ate at 7pm and I went to 20 at about 10:30pm. Yes verified with finger prick
Do you reduce your basal to exercise? Maybe it’s a knock on effect of that? Have you experimented with various temp basal rates and timings? Have you tried not having a temp basal and just eating a few carbs? On the days you don’t exercise at 4pm, does your blood sugar stay ok?
I have to, if I don’t put basal on I drop before I can even finish workout. It’s getting me down. Hosp advised to play about with different basals and timings so I’m in the midst of doing that but I feel I’m not getting anything right.
When doors your temp basal finish relative to your exercise?
Due to the speed my insulin works, I need to put my temp basal on 30 minutes before starting exercise so my active basal is lower once I start exercising. And then end the temp basal 30 minutes before I finish exercising. Otherwise, 8 have insufficient active basal when I stop
It I wait until I finish exercising before stopping the temp basal, my BG goes high
I have to, if I don’t put basal on I drop before I can even finish workout. It’s getting me down. Hosp advised to play about with different basals and timings so I’m in the midst of doing that but I feel I’m not getting anything right.

What exercise are you doing? I would usually reduce my basal rate around an hour before exercise. Importantly, I would also top up with glucose and carbs as needed. I’ve found it’s better to reduce the basal slightly less and have extra glucose during exercise. That way there’s no/less rise in blood sugar later.

How much of a basal reduction do you do? Do you have glucose/carbs during the exercise? What blood sugar do you start the exercise at?

Also, have you simply tried exercising at a different time? Sometimes that’s the easiest solution.
I would correct at 20, or 18, and at night, I feel awful over 14 anyway so I wouldn't be able to sleep. I would have half of the suggested amount overnight, because I am more sensitive then. In the day it is better to wait until meals, but my approach is to treat if its going to be longer than 4 - 6 hours, if I am eating soon I will wait.

Also I find the glass of water trick sometimes helps bring it down.
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