correcting after hypo

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It never really crossed my mind until recently why your told not to take more insulin after going high after a hypo until last night, just wondered why this was or if i have just been told dud info??
Last night I fell asleep on the couch and was rudely awoken by my OH stabbing my finger to take my bm, well my blood was on 2.9.
I took 200mls of lucozade as usual but since I was heading to bed I had a piece of toast and a small yogurt. i felt really Rank so I thought that this would be better than just having the one thing. I was wrong, about 1,1/2 hours later I was on 20! I left it a while later and checked when baby got up for her feed and it was 17. anyway I took 4u humalog and 3 hours later it was on 14 and i took 3 units, this morning when i got up it was 7 which was fine eventhough I feel like im still high!
Why was I told not to take insulin in this situation, does anyone know when i clearly needed it to bring my levels down?
Cheers 😱
from my understanding, you're not supposed to correct a high after a hypo - e.g. if you ate too many carbs to bring yourself up. this is because your liver will have dumped out all its glucose supplies and needs some time to build them up again - so you run the risk of going low again after a hypo if you have more insulin.

i hope that made sense!
I was told the same as Shiv - your liver will need time to build up its supplies if its dumped glucose into your blood.

Personally, if I know I'm high because I've eaten more than I need to, I just correct, but only because I know from experience that in that situation I don't come back down without a correction, but everyone is different! 🙂
Hi Lou 😉

Personally I wouldn't have that much carbs and not inject for them because my blood sugars would be really high in the morning so I would have injected for the yogurt. I've never been told not to inject after a hypo but if i've just had one then I eat then I tend to leave injecting for at least 20 mins. Or I would wait to eat for a little while until I felt better.

Your OH is very brave pricking your finger for you- whenever I've tried to get my husband to try doing it he can't because he's scared he'll hurt me bless him 🙄

How's Grace sleeping these days?

Cheers for the replies, I cant believe that the whole time i have been diabetic that ive never needed to know lol
I think i must of taken that amount of carbs because i was going to bed and it has a tendency to keep dropping if I dont take enough, well it wont stick at say 5 if it goes up to that! its a nightmare at the moment!
wish I had of just taken a couple of units last night when it was 20 I might of been able to avoid feeling like crap all day 🙄

And Emma, Grace has day and night a little mixed up at the moment, so im like a zombie in the last 2 weeks 😱 lol Hows Jessica diong? xx
I'm really glad someone asked this as i've been vaguely wondering this for months and kept forgetting to ask our dsn. We were also told not to correct but say Ben has a hypo at lunchtime and he is high at dinner, if we dont correct he is still high at bedtime and the next morning and so on until we do correct. So am I supposed to let him run high for a while and then correct? If so when? He had a bad hypo at bed time a few nights ago and was in the 20's from 10pm until about 3am but down to 7 by breakfast but this is the first time he's ever came down from a post-hypo high without a correction.It's all too confusing!!!
Are you breastfeeding? because I found it a nightmare trying to control my bg's whilst breastfeeding.

Oh dear :( Jessica is very well thanks she's worked out night and day now thank god! I hope she works it out soon for you. I had a brilliant day yesterday with Jessica she slept the whole day 😱 I couldn't believe it

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