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Are you being to forced to use alternative tools? needles, glucose meters medication etc.

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

I'm doing some research into what meter readers are being used in Cornwall.....specifically the Hayle, Camborne and St Ives areas..?

I currently use an Acucheck system and have used that brand for years. It's easy to use, it suits me!

However, I have new local diabetic nurse who is now trying to implement the use of another system which i am not in the slightest happy about. She is not listening to anything i have to say or my wants or needs.

I have checked with the pharmacist who has informed me there is no price difference in the two(i have even seen the pricelist with my own eyes on there computer screens)

I do not see any reason why I cannot carry on using the acucheck reader. I have also spoken with another nurse who totally agrees with me along other patients of hers.

Please le me know so I can use this as proof!!
Hi, welcome to the forum :) I'm not in Cornwall, but this is a problem people are experiencing up and down the country, not just there. It's most likely due to CCGs negotiating special deals with meter companies to supply meters and strips to all diabetics in their region. If you have a particular reason for needing to retain a particular meter, e.g. special features not offered by the suggested replacement, then they should take this into account - after all, the goal is that you should keep good control of your levels and confidence in your meter is a big part of that. I'd write to your practice manager explaining your reasons fro wanting to keep the meter you have :)
I'm in Cornwall (Truro though) and use Accuchek and have not had any problems with getting strips etc. I have had a few different makes but each one has been given to me by my DSN/Hospital so that could be why I have not had any problems. I cannot see any reason why you should not be able to use Accuchek though!
Well that IS batty - why would they say 'pump patients' are to ONLY have those GlucoRX things - when Truro hospital who deal in the pumps - offer amongst other makes presumably, the Roche pumps (Patti has a Combo) so there's No Way you could possibly use any other meter than the Roche Accu-Chek one, which you have to have anyway if you want your meter and pump to communicate, which you always do even if you haven't buried in in your underwear!
Well that IS batty - why would they say 'pump patients' are to ONLY have those GlucoRX things - when Truro hospital who deal in the pumps - offer amongst other makes presumably, the Roche pumps (Patti has a Combo) so there's No Way you could possibly use any other meter than the Roche Accu-Chek one, which you have to have anyway if you want your meter and pump to communicate, which you always do even if you haven't buried in in your underwear!
Lol Jenny Cornwall CCG are thick at times calling them stupid is a compliment.
You need to try the choose and book system. They rang me once and as I answered after 2 rings they put the phone down. Had a letter today telling me they had tried repeatedly to contact me and unless I rang them to make an apt they would refer back to the GP. So I wrote PTO on the letter and on the back of it I explained they had 0/10 for effort and suggested they sent details via post as to how to book an apt on line. I will await the outcome with interest as they say.