Coping with Type 1 Poem

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Mark Jones

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My wife put pen to paper and creatively wrote this rather telling honest appraisal of living with a husband who is Type 1 Diabetic.

Where did you come from?
Where will you go?
You invaded our lives and we couldn’t say no!

Once we were fluid and our lives seemed to merge
Now you are present we are often on the verge.
Heartache and pressure are now the wedges we face
As the evil you bring gives no outward grace.

You’ve invaded and taken over our everyday life.
You’re moody and selfish and you never think twice.
You steel every moment, a walk or a meal.
You make us focus on you instead of what’s real.
Where love was abandoned carefree and whole.
You made it a chore, a choice and a role.

In every aspect of life, you now take first place.
You’ve no love or compassion or understanding of grace.
You’re controlling and vital you demand our attention.
Bringing death as the threat of our defiant action.

You’ve taken so much, and you’ve given nothing in return.
There’s much we don’t understand and we’re needing to learn.
We trusted, we loved, once we never seconded guessed.
But now you are present, life’s not at its best.

We’ve been robbed and abandoned to your cruel infliction
No drugs or alcohol but a real present addiction.
Controlling and ruthless you’re taking us out.
To a point where we wonder what our life is about.

You’ve taken us captive and stripped us of life
Left us in pieces we’ve no price for this strife.
We have a longing for how life used to be
Tender and loving and often carefree.

As for physical love and emotion, passion and lust,
They don’t lurk in the doorway of your evil thrust
Destruction and power are all that you crave.
Beating our hearts hard now into the grave.

The life we had planned is now different but real.
We walk it but struggle to accept, it’s surreal.
You’re spiteful and bitter and twisted with rage.
Oh God I wish we could get out of this cage!
Welcome to the forum @Mark Jones

There's a lot in there that I think many members will relate to. Have you been living with diabetes for a long time?

Our previous forum admin @Northerner is also a dab hand at diabetes-infused poetry 🙂
Welcome Mark, if you are recently diagnosed I sure hope things balance out to be a bit more user friendly for you both.

Have you attended the DAFNE or Xpert course yet, the latter is very good and your wife could go along with you.

Doc or diabetic nurse can refer you to DAFNE course if they haven't already.
Here is another link that you may find useful.
Certainly some ideas that chime with my thinking there!
I see from your introduction post on the Newbies section you’ve had Diabetes for quite a number of years!
Blimey that poem is heavy man, had diabetes for nearly 40 years and cant say it controls my life to that extent, yep its pain in the arse but cant relate to all those verses. Dont take it wrong way my friend.
Thanks for your replies. Yes I have been type 1 for many years I have just turned 60 and have been happily married for 40 years. Sadly my Diabetes has been quite brittle over the years causing many hospital admissions. NHS support has always been amazing but sadly I had a stroke in 2015 (which I have recovered well from) and have cardiovascular decease as a result of the combination of excessive glucose and cholesterol. I would not consider myself as unfit or overweight and generally we have a good diet, however it would seem that Diabetes never respects these facts. I have been using a insulin pump for the last 12 years after a very nasty sepsis episode during a diabetic related hospital admission. The pump has been amazing, I now also use a Dexcom CGM system (quite expensive but worth it) which has helped me no end to reduced my Hba1c readings substantially. My wife has been amazing over the years but sadly Diabetes has impacted us as it often affects normal life, we do however press on.....
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