Coping with diabetes..

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know I probably sound stupid right now lol but yeah..
does anybody else get upset about having diabetes 😱 ?

Even though I've had it for nearly 5 years, I'm still not coping and I don't know what to do about it anymore lol.

If anyone else knows what i mean, advicee would be great..
Hi Helen yeah i think diabetes gets us all down to some degree, some can just get on with it and not let it get in there way others cant, i for example consider myself to be a strong person but lately i have not been such as strong as i thought, the big D has got me in its grips but ill do all i can to control it and not let it control me, do you have a good care team around you? or a close family member who you can talk to about things, it usually helps to have someone to offload to so to speak, it can be difficult if like me you have no one around you in your home life etc with diabetes and they often dont understand, but you have this forum now for that so we are all in the same boat and will be there for you if you need a rant/moan etc x
Hi Helen

I definitely have days when I feel that I'm not coping and it's all getting a bit much for me.

One thing I have done recently is asked to be referred to the counsellour my team have a link with. Would it be possible for your team to do the same for you?

And definitely rant to us. If there's any group of people that understand the frustrations of living with d, it's us 🙂
Hii, i don't really like to say anything to my mum but i have stuff at school which is meant to help.. Just gotta keep going i guess 🙂 thanks x
i can tell you as a mum i am always having a little crye when something goes wrong with graham but i never let graham se me upset or crying for him because i dont want to make him feel bad about it is nobody fault but maybe is a good thing to tell your mum i am sure she will try to support you in any way to feel positive again
I've always said that if only I could have a holiday from it now and then it would be a lot easier - there's no days off are there? I have my days of crying and ranting and then other days I'm ok with it - you're not on your own.x
i feel the same, i've had it 9 years now.
and it seems everybody thinks i cope, no one asks how i am doing with it or anything anymore.
i've got so much on my mind at the moment and having diabetes isn't helping as most of it is to do with my emotions which leads to my levels which leads to them going up and down.
consequence of being a teenager i presume, urgh.
It gets me down too. I come here and see what everyone else has to say, it helps to know I am not alone. Sometimes I find a quiet place and have a good bawl and feel better.
Hi Helen,

I have had t1 diabetes for 18 years now and I still have my down days, I am still learning and it can still get to me....BUT, I have good days too, some days where it's all just routine and I don't even really have to think about it.

It really is as simple as just take things one day at a time. Each day passed is an achievement.

As much as we can look at the bad side and let it get us down, we should also all be proud of how we all deal with our diabetes.

This site is amazing in stopping all of us feeling so alone - I know many of us feel like that, and that I especially am guilty of dismissing friends and family's help as I don't think they can ever really understand what I am going through and what it is like....but they are there for me, and when I need specific diabetes support and advice, I have this site.

Hope you are feeling better today. Feel free to rant as much as you like 🙂
Yes, I still get annoyed about the things that are banned to me since getting T1D as a 30 year old, some 15 years ago. Dealing with injections, blood testing, working out doses etc all were OK, depsite not getting any training, so juts worked it out for myself. What I find frustrating, is that no matter how fit and well controlled, I'll still never be allowed to rejoin TA, drive minibuses or SCUBA dive professionally, although I'm past the age limit for TA now, so that's a bit easier now.
But, for me, it would be far worse if family / partner / friends fussed about me or tried to stop me doing things. They seem to think it's no big deal when I go off to Chile, Falklands and South Georgia on 4 months expedition (although did manage to see partner for a couple of days when he passed through Falklands) nor when I head off to camp alone or with strangers on a hilltop / rockface / lochside for up to 48 hours to staff an adventure race or mountain marathon checkpoint - and I agree!
Sometimes finding ways round restrictions is possible, eg not allowed to work in Antarctica, hence I was a leader on a youth expedition and got to South Georgia that way (somewhat to surprise of a a Royal Navy doctor!)
thanks everyone,
its good that there's some people who understand what i'm talking about, and don't think i'm crazy lol.
just sometimes i think it does get too much for me and i am trying, but its not that easy to just control it perfectly, which is what my doctors seem to expect haa. x
Hi Helen,

I think it's perfectly normal to feel fed up with diabetes from time to time (well, er, quite often actually! 😱) I've had it for 31 years now (since 11 months old!) and there are times when it hardly figures...and days when I hate the D word! The thing to hold on to is that you're not alone... we know how you feel & are here to be ranted at, asked questions of, etc! 🙂

Re the control thing, a) some docs, like Northener said need a diabetic tamagotchi in lieu of a temporary state of diabetes! and b) the teen years can be quite hard to achieve good control in anyway - things are all changing esp hormonally, and that can play havoc with control (not fair, is it?! 🙄) . I got really really frustrated with the d during that time, but when I finally got to go on a DAFNE course, there at last seemed to be some kind of cause & effect at play that I'd never been told about before! Have you been on such a course, or could you ask to go on one? I think a lot of the frustration often comes from not feeling in control. With the DAFNE rules under my belt my control still wasn't perfect, but at least I felt I had a fighting chance! 🙂 I guess there will always be good & bad days, but I have found it helped me to get as much knowledge under my belt & to know that I wasn't alone - this forum has been fab!

All the best,

Twitchy xxx
thanks everyone,
its good that there's some people who understand what i'm talking about, and don't think i'm crazy lol.
just sometimes i think it does get too much for me and i am trying, but its not that easy to just control it perfectly, which is what my doctors seem to expect haa. x

Although doctors want perfect control, when I push any I come into contact with, most admit that "good enough" is, well, "good enough" and that a normal(lish) satifisfying life is an equally important goal. But, I guess it depends on so many things, including how assertive the person with diabetes is. Even people who've been on DAFNE say control is still not perfect, although usually better than before - just don't beat yourself up if it's not pefect.
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