Coping strategies for diabetes related stress?

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Thomas DUK

Supporter Care Advisor
Hi folks, does anyone have any good tips on how to cope with the anxiety and stress some people experience when they have diabetes?
I am not too sure what you mean by anxiety and stress in this context. For example, I can get a bit annoyed at the ignorance of some people on the subject. Does that count?
Like @helli I don't strive for perfection and don't berate myself when things have not gone right.

I have, in the past, allowed little things to anger me and that caused me wholly unnecessary stress and generally made me a less than perfect companion! I made a conscious attempt to do some mindfulness training; there are literally hundreds of forms this could take - but they all can result in one "stepping away" from whatever is causing that anxiety and stress. That process of formally disengaging has made great inroads into giving me the space to see events from a different viewpoint and generally find a very much less anxious or stressful situation. This invariably works and results in me being able to let go, step away from the apparent point of difficulty and just forget or blatantly ignore. Seems obvious, yet does need a determined effort to implement.
Have been through a couple of periods in my life - both times when the NHS has been having its own troubles so appointments got cancelled/lack of knowledgeable experts for me to even get to see and there seemed no end to that and I've concluded both times that nobody except me was even bothered so why the hell should I bother anyway, we're all gonna die anyway whatever we do or don't, and both times my own inner resources have finally won and carried on preserving my life. It's a real sodding nuisance not having pretty straightforward access to any relevant psychological help, frankly.

One thing a CBT -style 'talking therapy' counsellor said to me one day 20 years ago has stuck though! This was to do with troubles at work at the time - she asked me if I'd ever wondered if perhaps my OWN standards were too high for most people to achieve, since I seemed to have such a low opinion of most work colleagues capabilities? I accept that sometimes, yes they are, but whilst not being another Einstein, neither am I stupid - so do realise that everyone has an off day at times, so I do try to make allowances, honestly, I do! just that certain people don't show me much sign of being human - at times!

Edit to add - straightforward and QUICK - access to psych help.
I get Severe Anxiety. It's fear of the unknown what you are talking about. Arm yourself with reliable info and proven advice. However telling someone not to worry is the first thing they're going to do. At the end of the day look after yourself. Minimise stress, get enough sleep. And try to remain positive. Diet, Exercise and Meds are the solution. Some things will bring you immediate success. Good luck.
There is some information on how stress can affect diabetes management, and impact on the lives of people with diabetes here:

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