Cooking against diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
For people suffering from diabetes, the phrase ?watch what you eat? may sound like an all too familiar refrain. With nearly 11 per cent of the population living with diabetes, many Trinidadians should know the phrase all too well. But in this land of heavy seasoning and rich food, how do you watch what you eat? Chef Joe Brown of Jaffa at the Oval has a few suggestions.

On Wednesday, at a diabetes cooking demonstration hosted by global healthcare company Sanofi at Fanatic Kitchen Studio, Brown made a three-course meal including a wide variety of dishes such as bruschetta, stuffed white fish fillets and chicken breasts, Cajun Jambalaya and even a cheesecake pudding dessert. There was no salt in any of the food Brown prepared. Cooking without salt is a key factor to maintaining your health as a diabetic.
Salt???? That sends my BGs soaring!!! 😱

Bruschetta, jambalaya and cheesecake. Well, they have no effect whatsoever!!

Andy (gobsmacked) HB
Shall I complain. Been so mislead- thought it was carbs I had to count- it seems I can have as many chips as I like without bolusing as long as I have "Lo salt" on them!
Damn- better pass this into onto DAFNE providers!
For people suffering from diabetes, the phrase ?watch what you eat? may sound like an all too familiar refrain. With nearly 11 per cent of the population living with diabetes, many Trinidadians should know the phrase all too well. But in this land of heavy seasoning and rich food, how do you watch what you eat? Chef Joe Brown of Jaffa at the Oval has a few suggestions.

On Wednesday, at a diabetes cooking demonstration hosted by global healthcare company Sanofi at Fanatic Kitchen Studio, Brown made a three-course meal including a wide variety of dishes such as bruschetta, stuffed white fish fillets and chicken breasts, Cajun Jambalaya and even a cheesecake pudding dessert. There was no salt in any of the food Brown prepared. Cooking without salt is a key factor to maintaining your health as a diabetic.

I didn't know that I should be cooking without salt. :😱 One of my favourite things from our local Chinese takeaway is salt n pepper chicken wings. I favour them because they don't come with a sauce, but they are very heavy on the salt. When I do cook I am not only cooking for myself but hubby and daughter too and I use salt when cooking. As a rule I try not to use any salt when cooking but hubby complains so much about the no salt thing so I had gone back to cooking with salt. Only last Sunday he was saying he wanted to salt the potatoes as I never salt them. Ah well, new to tis and every day really is a school day! 🙂
Oh yes Abi, didn't you know we are all on the brink of a heart attack and dying, whereas diabetes will only kill us an inch at a time (I understand it works it's way up from the toes) whereas obv a heart attack is pdq.

Ergo, it's obviously a lot more important to give up that salt than it is sugar .........


I better add - just in case someone doesn't understand sarky - NOT.

If we all gave up everything someone somewhere reckons is bad for us, there wouldn't be anything left to actually eat.

I mean good grief - soil is dirty isn't it? And sheep, cattle etc pee and dump on grass, and then eat it. So don't get eating meat. Fish pee and dump in water, so don't drink water. And cos they are swimming round in the same water, don't get eating the flesh off them.

Etc Etc Etc
I didn't know that I should be cooking without salt. :😱 One of my favourite things from our local Chinese takeaway is salt n pepper chicken wings. I favour them because they don't come with a sauce, but they are very heavy on the salt. When I do cook I am not only cooking for myself but hubby and daughter too and I use salt when cooking. As a rule I try not to use any salt when cooking but hubby complains so much about the no salt thing so I had gone back to cooking with salt. Only last Sunday he was saying he wanted to salt the potatoes as I never salt them. Ah well, new to tis and every day really is a school day! 🙂

I stopped cooking with salt a few years ago - really don't miss it. The only thing I put salt on now is boiled eggs, just a little sprinkle 🙂

Can't they season their food after cooking? It won't be doing them any good either to have too much salt, it's not just a 'diabetes' thing!

If we all gave up everything someone somewhere reckons is bad for us, there wouldn't be anything left to actually eat.

I mean good grief - soil is dirty isn't it? And sheep, cattle etc pee and dump on grass, and then eat it. So don't get eating meat. Fish pee and dump in water, so don't drink water. And cos they are swimming round in the same water, don't get eating the flesh off them.

Etc Etc Etc

Sorry I don't actually get what you mean? It's Saturday...been a long week and I haven't had breakfast brain function isn't switched on! Either that or I'm plain x
I stopped cooking with salt a few years ago - really don't miss it. The only thing I put salt on now is boiled eggs, just a little sprinkle 🙂

Can't they season their food after cooking? It won't be doing them any good either to have too much salt, it's not just a 'diabetes' thing!

Yep Northerner, generally when I am cooking I don't use salt as I said. For example I won't salt homemade soups and just ask them to salt to taste. Last weekend I was making beef bourginon and the recipe said to coat the meat in seasoned flour so I still used salt in the seasoned flour. I will explain to them both that i will go back to cooking with no salt and they can salt to taste. so far they have been very understanding about D, so i am sure this will be something else they will be equally as good about. But hey these are things that I don't know and will pick up as I go along. :D:D
I'm saying that people will try to persuade you that almost anything it's possible to eat, isn't good for you and will come up with or invent a reason to justify that.

eg cutting down on fats to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Actually, eating fat doesn't have much if any effect on your bodily cholesterol levels. However you can improve the balance of them (between the HDL, LDL and Trigs) by eating less CARBOHYDRATE. They don't publicise that all over the Daily Fail, do they?

What happens is - people just eat too much generally. eg never have A biscuit. Always 2 or 3. And once you've eaten them, may as well have another one or a few, cos they are nice .... and ALL portion sizes for everything have grown massively in my lifetime, and plates have got bigger too. What used to be sold in china shops as a Charger (ie a plate onto which you placed your smaller but hot, dinner plate) is now sold as a dinner plate. Cereal bowls the size of the vegetable dishes you used to get in dinner services.

I mentioned once on a forum the 30g weight of a recommended portion of Rice Krispies and someone replied (with a snort) that 30g of Rice Krispies was 'an elf's portion'. Well I must be an elf then. A small one at that cos it's too much for me ......

Anyway, if we all eat too much generally - no amount of stopping salt pepper or anything else is gonna stop us killing ourselves.

But that is just my opinion based largely on a lifetime's observation plus the fact of how healthy people were when there was food rationing. Cos we were actually more healthy generally.
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