Controlling emotions

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone! So my journey up to date is this - I was diagnosed 15 weeks ago with an hba1c of 89 at age 38 I was and still am rocked with feelings of self loathing as to how I could have allowed myself to end up here at age 38. Controlling my emotions and keeping my depression in check has been and is a real struggle. So 15 weeks ago when I was diagnosed I decided the only way forward for me was to get myself in gear instantly and sort myself out in the past 15 weeks I have lost 3st 7lbs and now exercise regularly my blood pressure at diagnosis was and still is spot on as we’re all my bloods! So thankfully my high sugar level is my only physical battle. At diagnosis everything was checked as the gp said he must be thorough which I understand when my hba1c was redone 3 weeks ago it had dropped from 89 to 45 both my gp and diabetic nurse are extremely pleased with this though I have to admit I was a little disappointed not to get that little bit further and come right out of the diabetic range completely but I do understand it’s massively good news to come down out of diabetic to pre-diabetic. I still have work to do and another 3 stone to lose to bring my bmi down to 25! I also have to say another big part of getting me through so far has been professor Taylor he has been absolutely great! I went to see my diabetic nurse this morning and she is over joyed with me I just went to see her for reassurance that I might have a chance of getting it down to non diabetic range and the possibility of remaining there assuming that I never go back to old ways! Which I am determined not to!!! My dad is diabetic diagnosed in his mid 40’s unlike me my dad was not overweight an diagnosis so my dad has been diabetic for 20 years controlled by tablets. My husbands mother however was also type 2 diabetic but she died relatively young age 67 and it was horrific to see she had heart failure caused by the uncontrolled diabetes and 5% kidney function she was also registered blind. I’m also constantly worried about what I eat incase it puts my hba1c up according to professor Taylor it’s not necessarily about what you eat but more importantly how much you eat portion control is really important. I wasn’t put on any meds at diagnosis and I’m not on any now. my main aim in life is to push back type 2 diabetes as far down the road as I possibly can with exercise, diet and an all much healthier lifestyle for both mind and body. Is anyone else walking a similar path to me? x

Also the pluses so far - I am a much better cook than I was, I’m now a size 16 not a size 24 any longer and I’ve made inroads into getting my blood sugar level down x
That a great achievement to bring your HbA1C down so much!
HI @sarahb83 fantastic results and I hope you've treated yourself to a new wardrobe! I went from a size 20/22 to 10/12. I was lucky because my sister works in a charity shop and gets first dibs on the good stuff!

Such hard work but you must be really pleased with the "new you" while you work on an even newer you. Also great that you weren't put on meds. I'm out of pre-diabetic range now but still on 1 metformin per day.

Keep up the good work, you are doing magnificently 🙂 x
HI @sarahb83 fantastic results and I hope you've treated yourself to a new wardrobe! I went from a size 20/22 to 10/12. I was lucky because my sister works in a charity shop and gets first dibs on the good stuff!

Such hard work but you must be really pleased with the "new you" while you work on an even newer you. Also great that you weren't put on meds. I'm out of pre-diabetic range now but still on 1 metformin per day.

Keep up the good work, you are doing magnificently 🙂 x
Oh god I wonder why I’ve not been put on any meds if you’re still on metformin when your blood sugars are now normal x
Oh god I wonder why I’ve not been put on any meds if you’re still on metformin when your blood sugars are now normal x
Don't worry, you just got lucky with your surgery that you weren't put straight onto them. One DN said they gave a bit of protection for heart and kidneys, the other said they didn't and I could give them up if I wanted. I'm just playing safe and sitting on the fence with just the 1 tablet 😉 x
Hi everyone! So my journey up to date is this - I was diagnosed 15 weeks ago with an hba1c of 89 at age 38 I was and still am rocked with feelings of self loathing as to how I could have allowed myself to end up here at age 38. Controlling my emotions and keeping my depression in check has been and is a real struggle. So 15 weeks ago when I was diagnosed I decided the only way forward for me was to get myself in gear instantly and sort myself out in the past 15 weeks I have lost 3st 7lbs and now exercise regularly my blood pressure at diagnosis was and still is spot on as we’re all my bloods! So thankfully my high sugar level is my only physical battle. At diagnosis everything was checked as the gp said he must be thorough which I understand when my hba1c was redone 3 weeks ago it had dropped from 89 to 45 both my gp and diabetic nurse are extremely pleased with this though I have to admit I was a little disappointed not to get that little bit further and come right out of the diabetic range completely but I do understand it’s massively good news to come down out of diabetic to pre-diabetic. I still have work to do and another 3 stone to lose to bring my bmi down to 25! I also have to say another big part of getting me through so far has been professor Taylor he has been absolutely great! I went to see my diabetic nurse this morning and she is over joyed with me I just went to see her for reassurance that I might have a chance of getting it down to non diabetic range and the possibility of remaining there assuming that I never go back to old ways! Which I am determined not to!!! My dad is diabetic diagnosed in his mid 40’s unlike me my dad was not overweight an diagnosis so my dad has been diabetic for 20 years controlled by tablets. My husbands mother however was also type 2 diabetic but she died relatively young age 67 and it was horrific to see she had heart failure caused by the uncontrolled diabetes and 5% kidney function she was also registered blind. I’m also constantly worried about what I eat incase it puts my hba1c up according to professor Taylor it’s not necessarily about what you eat but more importantly how much you eat portion control is really important. I wasn’t put on any meds at diagnosis and I’m not on any now. my main aim in life is to push back type 2 diabetes as far down the road as I possibly can with exercise, diet and an all much healthier lifestyle for both mind and body. Is anyone else walking a similar path to me? x

Also the pluses so far - I am a much better cook than I was, I’m now a size 16 not a size 24 any longer and I’ve made inroads into getting my blood sugar level down x

Excellent results.
I reversed my diabetes on Prof Taylors 800 calorie diet, and just eat a normal Mediterranean diet now.
The only thing I do is watch the scales, and the mirror occasionally, and exercise normally.
(Which is easy after the Newcastle diet breaks the old eating habits)
Congratulations @sarahb83 with a Hba1c of 45 you are no longer in the diabetes range.
You should not feel that you were to blame - I was lucky in one way that I had been following a 'cholesterol lowering' diet for some time before diagnosis which was low fat and high in 'healthy' carbs - so I used the print outs to light the barbecue and swore that I would never again eat stodgy foods.
Hi everyone! So my journey up to date is this - I was diagnosed 15 weeks ago with an hba1c of 89 at age 38 I was and still am rocked with feelings of self loathing as to how I could have allowed myself to end up here at age 38. Controlling my emotions and keeping my depression in check has been and is a real struggle. So 15 weeks ago when I was diagnosed I decided the only way forward for me was to get myself in gear instantly and sort myself out in the past 15 weeks I have lost 3st 7lbs and now exercise regularly my blood pressure at diagnosis was and still is spot on as we’re all my bloods! So thankfully my high sugar level is my only physical battle. At diagnosis everything was checked as the gp said he must be thorough which I understand when my hba1c was redone 3 weeks ago it had dropped from 89 to 45 both my gp and diabetic nurse are extremely pleased with this though I have to admit I was a little disappointed not to get that little bit further and come right out of the diabetic range completely but I do understand it’s massively good news to come down out of diabetic to pre-diabetic. I still have work to do and another 3 stone to lose to bring my bmi down to 25! I also have to say another big part of getting me through so far has been professor Taylor he has been absolutely great! I went to see my diabetic nurse this morning and she is over joyed with me I just went to see her for reassurance that I might have a chance of getting it down to non diabetic range and the possibility of remaining there assuming that I never go back to old ways! Which I am determined not to!!! My dad is diabetic diagnosed in his mid 40’s unlike me my dad was not overweight an diagnosis so my dad has been diabetic for 20 years controlled by tablets. My husbands mother however was also type 2 diabetic but she died relatively young age 67 and it was horrific to see she had heart failure caused by the uncontrolled diabetes and 5% kidney function she was also registered blind. I’m also constantly worried about what I eat incase it puts my hba1c up according to professor Taylor it’s not necessarily about what you eat but more importantly how much you eat portion control is really important. I wasn’t put on any meds at diagnosis and I’m not on any now. my main aim in life is to push back type 2 diabetes as far down the road as I possibly can with exercise, diet and an all much healthier lifestyle for both mind and body. Is anyone else walking a similar path to me? x

Also the pluses so far - I am a much better cook than I was, I’m now a size 16 not a size 24 any longer and I’ve made inroads into getting my blood sugar level down x
You've done so well getting your HbA1c down from 89 to 45 is really good. I hope I can follow in your footsteps, mine was 80 in October, I'm hoping following a low cal, low carb diet will have brought it down.
I’m trying so hard to cling to the positives, liver function test good, kidneys good, blood pressure good, cholesterol good the gp said my q risk (had to ask what that was he said it was risk of heart attack and stroke and something else that I can’t remember) was low so I didn’t need any meds at all I hope he’s right he said I’ve brought my risk level down even further by lowering my hba1c to pre diabetic levels x
You've done so well getting your HbA1c down from 89 to 45 is really good. I hope I can follow in your footsteps, mine was 80 in October, I'm hoping following a low cal, low carb diet will have brought it down.
I’m sure you will for the first 12 weeks I ate 800 calories per day I’ve stepped it up for the past 3 weeks to 1000-1200 per day and last week I lost 3lb and this week 4lb so the weight is still coming off, I couldn’t do the liquid diet thing so I bought the hairy dieters recipe books and they’ve been a huge help to me everything I’ve cooked I’ve loved and so has my husband
Excellent results.
I reversed my diabetes on Prof Taylors 800 calorie diet, and just eat a normal Mediterranean diet now.
The only thing I do is watch the scales, and the mirror occasionally, and exercise normally.
(Which is easy after the Newcastle diet breaks the old eating habits)
We’ve ended up getting another dog seeing as I’m now out walking so much with my husband and I’m loving it I just wish it hadn’t got to this point before I’d changed my ways x
We’ve ended up getting another dog seeing as I’m now out walking so much with my husband and I’m loving it I just wish it hadn’t got to this point before I’d changed my ways x
Because a lazier creature was there never
Well done @sarahb83 ! No point in lamenting the past. I probably wouldn't have made any changes without this massive kick up the backside. What matters now is that you've made great progress and lowered your risk level. Keep up the good work!
You should be very proud of the positive changes you have made @sarahb83

Don’t be too hard on yourself. What’s done is in the past, and you can’t change it. Dwelling on regret is a real energy-sapper. You didn’t act with the aim of getting a diagnosis with diabetes, and others making the same choices may have escaped because of their genetic make-up, gut biome, or any of the other factors that influence diabetes risk.

What you have done though, is remarkably positive. You’ve used it as a catalyst for change. And you’ve got a dog out of it! Win!
Hi everyone! So my journey up to date is this - I was diagnosed 15 weeks ago with an hba1c of 89 at age 38 I was and still am rocked with feelings of self loathing as to how I could have allowed myself to end up here at age 38. Controlling my emotions and keeping my depression in check has been and is a real struggle. So 15 weeks ago when I was diagnosed I decided the only way forward for me was to get myself in gear instantly and sort myself out in the past 15 weeks I have lost 3st 7lbs and now exercise regularly my blood pressure at diagnosis was and still is spot on as we’re all my bloods! So thankfully my high sugar level is my only physical battle. At diagnosis everything was checked as the gp said he must be thorough which I understand when my hba1c was redone 3 weeks ago it had dropped from 89 to 45 both my gp and diabetic nurse are extremely pleased with this though I have to admit I was a little disappointed not to get that little bit further and come right out of the diabetic range completely but I do understand it’s massively good news to come down out of diabetic to pre-diabetic. I still have work to do and another 3 stone to lose to bring my bmi down to 25! I also have to say another big part of getting me through so far has been professor Taylor he has been absolutely great! I went to see my diabetic nurse this morning and she is over joyed with me I just went to see her for reassurance that I might have a chance of getting it down to non diabetic range and the possibility of remaining there assuming that I never go back to old ways! Which I am determined not to!!! My dad is diabetic diagnosed in his mid 40’s unlike me my dad was not overweight an diagnosis so my dad has been diabetic for 20 years controlled by tablets. My husbands mother however was also type 2 diabetic but she died relatively young age 67 and it was horrific to see she had heart failure caused by the uncontrolled diabetes and 5% kidney function she was also registered blind. I’m also constantly worried about what I eat incase it puts my hba1c up according to professor Taylor it’s not necessarily about what you eat but more importantly how much you eat portion control is really important. I wasn’t put on any meds at diagnosis and I’m not on any now. my main aim in life is to push back type 2 diabetes as far down the road as I possibly can with exercise, diet and an all much healthier lifestyle for both mind and body. Is anyone else walking a similar path to me? x

Also the pluses so far - I am a much better cook than I was, I’m now a size 16 not a size 24 any longer and I’ve made inroads into getting my blood sugar level down x
congratulations on your amazing turn around. I am following in your footsteps I hope!
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