Contour BG Meter

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry to sound like a little school girl but i got a free meter this morning from Bayer Diabetes Care and the letter says even though i filled out my details after the offer ended they wanted to send me one anyway, how cool is that lol
Sad that i'm so excited over it but i never get free stuff, anyway this one says you can use your forearm and palm, anyone used one yet?? :D
I was sent one too. Again was told offer had ended but they had sent me one anway. Thought this was really good of them. Like you I never receive anything free. Really impressed as well. Easy to use and very quick. Little amount of blood required as well. Appears accurate (I think). Let me know how you find it. (Only thing I would say is I seem to need the finger pricking device which came with it on max and press really hard).
i also received one after close of offer, but have decided to stick to my onetouch ultra easy.
I got one too. Because I am happy with my one touch ultra I passed mine onto another forum user who didn't have one.

I find it pays to keep my eyes peeled and get in while I can. Some times I am lucky some times I am not.

It also pays to complain from titme to time too. If you are bot happy with service, most cpmpanies like constructive critiscism. I've had replacement goods and vouchers on a number of occaisisons. Often the vouchers are worth more than the thing I am complaining about.
Sometimes it pays to be persistent, keep tryin, especially if you can do it pre paid...😎
Me neither :(

Did you ever get hold of a spare meter?

No, I didn't. I'd intended on asking for one when I went for my clinic appointment last week, but as I was sat waiting I saw a girl ask one of the nurses if she could have one - the nurse said no, as they 'weren't a supply centre'. I didn't try after that, although I don't think that particular nurse was a dsn.
I must be a sad case, as I buy mine. I now have I think 4, AccuCheck Aviva, 1 in the office, I in my handbag, 1 at my Dads, and 1 at home. I find this model very easy to use. In the carry case it also takes my pills (held in a star (7 days) shaped pill holder

There are only around ?12.00 each

I am so very lucky in that I get 2 tubs of test strips every 8 weeks on my repeat prescription, so I have more enough.

My GP (the diabetic doctor for the practice) told me to test as often as I feel I have to. I now download all the results and take them with me every 8 weeks, so she now holds all the history in my medical files

When I got my first copy of "Balance" I went through all the ads for meters and phoned them (usually on an 0800 free number) and asked for a sample. They all asked how many tests I do each day and I told them 10. (They all make their money out of the test strips not the meters!) I've got three meters so far, all with prickers and strips. I like the Abbott test strips best 'cos they're individually wrapped and all the others come loose in a little tub and are fiddly. The best pricker is a Glucojet Dual, works for me on the lowest setting and is almost painless.
On another site i used visit that no longer has Diabetes forum, somone won a meter and her doctors would not prescribe the strips for it as they were too expensive so it was usless to her.
I own 3 meters that take the same sticks which I have a repeat prescription for.
Hi all,

I have a spare meter, one of my teachers gave it to me a year or two ago. He was type one. Very sadly he died last year, quite possibly due to his diabetes :( I have sent of for the odd free meter and probably have them still lurking somewhere. Not a bad thing to have really.

Tom H
I use the Ultrasoft2. So far so good except when I left it in the car and ambient temp was -6C.
The company have been excellent in their support and in addition to the pc software, drivers and usb cable they have sent me another cable.
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Grovesey - interesting point about the relative costs of blood glucose strips. Most cost in the region of ?20 for 50 strips if you buy them yourself from a chemist. Presumably the NHS gets a better deal, either centrally (England / Wales / Scotland / Northern Ireland) or locally by PCT (primary care trust). I have some sympathy with a GP who refuses to prescribe strips costing (example only) ?30 for 50 strips, when there are plenty available for ?20 for 50, as that's 50% difference. Then there's the whole area of how many strips is appropriate, depending on the person, their condition and medication / management.
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